Part 16

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-Mistakes everywhere, not edited-

Tee leaving the palace makes the prince cry so hard, it makes Tee feels sad to leave but he has to leave before everything is too late to make it right.

Tee go to the prince side and sit to make their eyes meet.

"You are still my friend little prince, I will visit you as much as I can. Please listen to your father and please play with Prin and Kim. I'm leaving the palace, I'm not breaking our friendship" Tee kiss on top of Ten's hair.

He already say goodbye to Prin and Kim, he walks away from the palace with his new family, he waves to them for a last time before enter the carriage.

The horses start to move making the palace become smaller and smaller from far, it is for the best for him and Kim.

"Don't be sad Tee, everything will be good from now on" Gen Lee pats Tee's head softly. Tee hugs the old man and thanking him for doing all of this for him.

A day journey take them to reach the general's village, it is really beautiful and peaceful. Tee already amazes with the surrounding.

"We are here" Tee gets down from the carriage and he is nervous to meet his new family, they didn't get into the house directly because general want him to change to men's clothes first.

Tee let his hair freely moves with winds, no more buns and pins. Gen Lee can't take his eyes off Tee, Tee is still beautiful but handsome at the same time.

"My son, you are still beautiful" praise Gen Lee making Tee blush but shakes his head disagree, he is not beautiful, he is just a normal man.

"Can Mdm Lee accept me?" ask Tee start to worry about his future here.

Gen Lee laughs a bit, didn't answer the question but let his guard open the door of his house. Both of them enter the gate, it is beautiful, almost as beautiful as the palace.

"My husband, you are home" a beautiful woman walks to Gen Lee and give the old man a hug, they still look like young couple that full of love.

"Yes my wife, I'm home." Gen Lee kisses his wife's forehead gently.

"Oh my, who is this handsome young man?" Ask Mdm Lee excited.

"This is our new son, the gift from the king" answer Gen Lee.

Tee smiles and politely bows his head, he is still bowing when he is engulfed in hug.

"The king gives us a son! I'm so happy, a handsome one too" Tee smiles broadly, he is so happy to be in mother's embrace after a long time.

"Father!!!" two girls and a man run to  hug their father. Seems like Tee will have a few siblings too.

The girls blush shyly when they see Tee is smiling to them. Three of them were introduced to Tee as their new brother, they welcomed Tee to their family.

"This is Han, the oldest, this is the twin Lily and Lien"

"I'm Tee" Tee smiles to all of them, he gets a bigger family this time, he is so lucky to has all of this.

They all enter the main house and served tea by the maids. The siblings keep asking him questions and Tee answer what he can, he already feels comfortable with the the family.

"My wife, please ask maids to prepare Tee's room, he needs to rest after a long journey" ask Gen Lee, his wife follows the order as soon as she gets it.

They continue talking but Tee leaves to get some rest at his new room. He is more than satisfied with the room, it is smaller than the palace but bigger than his old room.

"Mother, I'm a man now and I can stop deceiving everyone. I'm sure this is your help too" Tee rolls on the soft mattress, his eyes closed by its own.

While at the house, the family is still talking about Tee's presence.

"Don't disturb him so much, let him feels comfortable first" Gen Lee advise his daughters, he can see that the twin already interested in Tee.

Han chuckles at that, he is agree with his father, his sisters easily fall for a handsome man, Tee can't easily get rid of them.

"Don't make him run away" teases Han make the twin pout.

"tell that to Lily, I don't like that type of man at all, he is too beautiful and handsome" Lien huffs at the accused, yes, she is attracted to Tee but she knows she has no chance whatsoever.

"Father brought him home so that he can become family, if he likes me it is good. Right father?" Lily smiles at the idea, she will be able to marry a handsome man. If Tee wants her, she will accept Tee as fast as she can.

"Who want to have you as their wife. Lazy girl" tease Han more, his sisters are lazy, especially Lily. They can't even tidy their own room properly.

"Hey, I'm lazy because we have maid to do that. I can do it myself too" argues Lily with the accusation.

"My daughters, let me tell you one thing, even a princess is rejected by him, so don't put your hopes high" Gen Lee decides to leave to get some rest, others are laughing at Lily because of what the general said.

One by one leaves the place and go to do their previous job. Han is a writer, he writes book for the palace and other libraries too. Lien likes to paint and spend her time alone, Lily likes to doll up and be beautiful all the time.

Han wants to go to his work room but decides to stop in front of Tee's room, it beside his room too. He knocks a few times but no answer. He decides to open the door and peek inside, if Tee needs help he can give a hand.

When he looks inside, Tee is sleeping soundly on the mattress, in his only inner clothes that a bit thin and transparent to show how white his skin is. Tee feels comfortable wearing that because it is light and cool.

"My!" Han closes the door fast, his heart is beating too fast for his liking. He hearts beat so fast after watching a man sleeping! He must be crazy now.

"writing! New book, new book!" Han chants the words and leave the place he is standing. He needs to clear his head, maybe reading some dirty books? He is a healthy man after all!

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