Part 30

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-Mistakes everywhere, not edited-

Every Saturday night, Tae will humbly and happily visit Tee secretly. He is having fun with their secret meeting but Tee hate it because Tae's action stirs his principle, he doesn't want to have any relationship with Tae but he can't run away when Tae keep pushing him to the wall.

Like tonight, Tae brought roast beef for Tee because he knows it is one of Tee's favourite food. They will sneak out from the school to the hill Tae brought Tee for the first time. They will picnic there till late at night.

"Aren't you tired sire?" ask Tee the same question for the forth time they meet like this.

"No. I'm thrilled and happy!" Tae clearly happy making Tee can't say anything to retort back.

"Is this the way you win late queen's heart?" ask Tee, he wants to know if Tae treat the late Queen this way too. The Queen must be the most happy woman on earth.

Tae looks at Tee when the question about his late wife come from Tee's mouth again. He knows Tee's trick, Tee wants to keep mentioning his late wife so that Tae will remember her and back off.

"We are cliché story, arranged marriage and fall in love at first sight case. I don't have to court her, like I'm courting you now" explains Tae.

It's true his past love is simple, he fall in love with the woman his family chose for him.

Tee doesn't get the answer he expect so he just keep quiet. Actually he can't believe that people like Tae can fall in love with the first sight.

"when you will stop doing this?" ask Tee after a long silence, he really want to stop this drama because for him none of it is real. It's too beautiful to be true.

"Never. I will never stop courting you. I'm in love with you Tee, and I will convey my feelings to you till the day I die"  Tae takes Tee's hand in his. He rubs circle on Tee's hand, it is not as soft as his late wife hand but he feels content and happy, liking how Tee's hand feel on his big and rough hand

"Let me ask you more questions"

"anything" reply Tae smiling.

"If, if one day I do accept your feelings and I fall in love with you..."

"I know you will fall for me" Tae retort cutting Tee's words with a proud smirk. Tee sigh, he is just talking about a possibility.

"I'm not done yet!" scolds Tee, still not taking his hand away. He must like the feel of it too.

"Okay my love, continue" Tae just having fun teasing Tee.

"Will I be your secret lover?" Tae frowns at the question.

"Of course not! I will not court you just so that you will be hidden" Tae is angry with the question, it seems like Tee think he as bad as that.

"then, will I become a woman again and be your Concubine? Just to tell you I will not return to that time again"

"No Tee. You will be you and I will tell the whole world that my queen is a man" Tae raise his voice without he intent to do so, he wants to make it clear to Tee that he is not playing around and he is serious with Tee.

Tee shakes his head, for him Tae doesn't understand his question.

"I was a woman once, your Concubine. The ministers and the people in the palace know my face. What will you tell them that I'm a man, not a woman?"

Tae has think about it since the day he knows he loves Tee more than anything in the world after his son. He already had a plan on how to tell people about it without harming Tee's position. All he needs to do right now is to Tee fall in love and accept him too.

"I already planned everything Tee. You don't have to be a woman and you will never be my Concubine again. My wife, my Queen, that's the position I'm proposing to you" Tae holds Tee's shoulder when he said every word of it.

Tee sighs and push Tae's hand away, he can't believe Tae's words at all. It is complicated for him to think about the future of him and Tae. It looks dark for him, no light whatsoever.

"Ten knows you are a man, he told me he saw your 'thing'" Tae change the topic to his son. Tee always happy talking about Ten, Tae always took advantages of it to win Tee's heart.

"Of course he knew! I always bath with him, naked" answer Tee back proudly. He is proud that Ten can keep their secret this long, he even told Ten why he he act like a woman. That kid is smart.

Tae laughs when Tee proudly admit about it.

"what make you tell him the truth?"

"So that he told you everything, it will make it easy for me but he is a great kid that he can keep it as a secret for long"

"He is my son, of course he is a great boy"

Tee glances at Tae when the king said that, he wants to retort something not so kind but keep it to himself. Their conversation will drag some more when they are talking about Ten.

"You know what make he told me the truth?" Tae ask Tee a question to keep their conversation going. Tae is sure Tee is curious too.


"He thought you are scared to come visit him because of it. He begs me to never hurt you and bring you back to the palace"

Tee become quiet when he heard the reason, the prince do care and love him so much. He also thinks about Ten all the time, if he can turn back time he will do it so that he doesn't has to meet Ten and torture the prince this way.

"Don't be so gloomy, I'm not using my son to make you return" Tae caress Tee's cheek softly. He knows Ten is the best bait and the fastest way to tackle Tee but he will not win Tee's heart that way.

"Really? Then, why are you mentioning Ten's name every time things turn bad between us?"

Tae chuckles at that, it is so true, his son is his special side kick to make Tee keep up with his antic. He needs to use Ten a bit because his effort alone is hard to win Tee's heart. Stubborn man.

"It's late now. Let's go back to the school" Tae helps Tee to go down the hill and climbs the horse.

They always ride the horse together and Tae will take advantage of the situation to hug Tee. Tee scolded Tae a few times before but he just ignore it when time goes by. Tae is a stubborn king.

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