Part 4

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-Mistakes everywhere, not edited-

The king is observing from far, he can see that his son enjoy playing together with someone. Sometimes he thinks he is selfish for not getting a new mother to his son but his heart still can't move on.

"Father!" the prince come running to his father happily, he has someone to play now.

"Yes Ten? How's your day?" ask the king smiling to his son.

"Good good! New friends! Phi Tee and Phi Prin!"

"Don't always disturb them okay. They are new, let them get used to the palace first" advices The king softly. His son nods his head, he will obey whatever his father told him.

"Your highness, King Godt and King Bbas are here to have dinner with you" states his advisor. The king nods his head and orders his man to take Ten to get ready for dinner.

The king walk to the dining room, to found his cousin happily kissing his husband. In this era, marriage between same sex is legal and not a wrong thing. Everyone can choose anyone to marry.

"I have hundreds room for you to use" comments the king while taking his seat.

"Phi Tae!" yells Godt happily and go to give his cousin a hug. Bbas wai shyly to Tae, they lost in their intimacy.

"I'm sorry phi" Godt grins sheepishly.

Three of them start talking about their lives until Ten come joining them at the table.

Ten is excited to the visit from his favourites uncle. He really loves Bbas, same goes to Bbas too.

They enjoy their dinner together, Godt and Tae go to their meeting room to discuss about country's matter. They are neighbours and have many relationships together.

Bbas and Mika is playing besides the lake, both of them enjoy looking at moon and stars on the sky.

"Phi Ter!!!" calls Bbas excitedly when he saw Copter walking alone another side of lake.

The called Copter shouts back and go to Bbas. Copter is a royal family too but he never wants to involve in ruling a country. He is happy enough to be an advisor at Tae's side. He is Tae's brother.

"Long time no see" Copter greets Bbas back.

Both of them start talking and spending time together to fill their lost time. While they are talking Ten runs to a figure making both of them change their focus.

"Phi Tee!" the boy really like Tee since the he saw Tee for the first time but not Tee, he never likes kid before, including the prince.

"who is that? She is beautiful" ask Bbas, that was the first time he saw Tee.

Tae never has a lot of concubines, he start having some when his wife is dead. Tae is a really loyal husband, he never tends to have anyone else beside his wife.

"one of the concubines" answer Copter, he is not in the palace when the ladies arrive so, this is the first time he see Tee too.

"Oh, she is really beautiful. I'm not surprised if Phi Tae fall in love with her" Bbas keep complimenting Tee, Copter can't deny the beauty but he is not agree with Bbas.

"I don't think so, Phi Tae loves his late wife so much but she is really pretty" reply Copter.

"I'm sorry but she is prettier than the late queen" Bbas just whisper it scared someone hear him and report it to Tae. He means nothing bad about it, he is just stating the truth.

"Being pretty is not everything Bbas. I'm glad if Phi Tae can fall in love again" they keep talking about that.

Tee sighs deeply, for him the prince is really annoying because he keep asking him about a lot of things. The prince is smart too because he has a lot of stuff to ask.

"It's late, kid should sleep early" Tee gives his last effort to chase Ten away. He just want to take some good air before going to bed.

"Why? Adult sleep early too" retort Ten back, Tee sighs again. He is not in mood to spend his time on Ten.

"Yeah, now I want to sleep. Bye" Tee wants to walk away but Ten grabs Tee's gown. Tee stops and look at Ten irritated.

"Can you read me a story first? I have a book here" Ten gives the book he always has with him.

Tee wants to reject it but when he look at the title he stops. It's the same story with a book his mother always read him. The book that make Tee interested in herbs.

It is a fairy tale, Fairies of Flowers.

"sit down" Tee tell Ten to sit on the bench beside him, he told Ten to stay a bit far from him.

Tee miss his mother so much right now, he wants to listen his mother read to him again.

Tee starts reading the story monotonous, it's really not interesting at all but Ten keep his ears sharp. He is glad that someone is willing to read it for him. Most of his maid wants him to read about prince and king. He likes flowers, like his mother.

"Fairy Lily can treat illness with just her petals..." Tee stops at the second fairy, Ten leans his small body on Tee.

"now he sleep?" grumbles Tee, for him Ten is really troubling him.

Tee pulls Ten into his arms and walk the prince to his maid, his maid knows what to do with sleeping prince. He wants to sleep too, his night walk is wasted just like that.

Tae saw everything from far, he is having a drink with his families together not far from Tee and Ten. He can't hear them but he knows his son is happy.

"Phi, I think Ten like Lady Tee very well, but you must be careful, doesn't want a concubine that will hurt Ten like before" warns Copter. They already had a case like that before. A concubine acting nice in front of Tae but behind him trying to harm Ten

"I know. I warn them already."

"She is beautiful" comments Godt making everyone look at him. Godt rarely compliment anyone because he is afraid it will hurt Bbas.

"My husband is the most cutest" Godt kiss Bbas on the forehead sweetly. Bbas not even jealous of it because he knows they love each other.

"I think she is pretty too phi" Bbas agree with Godt too.

Tae puts his glass down, he has no comment about his concubine. For him, beauty is not everything.

"She seems nice too" add Bbas more.

Tae ignores their talk and keep drinking, he still can't forget his wife. He is sure that he can protect his feeling, Rose is always his wife no matter what.

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