Part 18

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-Mistakes everywhere, not edited-

The situation is intense, everyone is looking at Tee, waiting for his answer, Lily is smiling smugly, believe she will has what she wants.

"I don't agree father, you shouldn't do this" Han oppose his father's way of asking, it's like his father is forcing Tee to say yes.

"close your mouth Han, I'm asking Tee"

Han wants to protest again but Tee shakes his head, this is his fight, he should say what he wants.

"Tee, you are my son, no matter what is your answer you are still my son. I will be fair to all my child, don't worry about anything, just state what you want" General reassure Tee to say the truth, to say what he wants, he can stop doing something he doesn't want to do.

"You Lily, will respect whatever answer Tee will say" Their father look at them seriously, it's not a small problem anymore and everyone should respect each other no matter what.

"I will father" Lily shamelessly answer with a smile, still thinks she will win this and has Tee as her husband.

"answer me my son"

Tee looks at his parent and then at Lily, he smiles a bit before answering the question.

"I'm sorry Lily, I don't like you like that, You and Lien both are my sisters" answer Tee as soft and polite as he can, rejecting women's confessions is same like humiliating them, Tee doesn't want to humiliate anyone.

"You listen the answer, let's stop talking about this matter anymore" Gen Lee already put a closure on this but Lily is not happy with it.

"Father! Rejecting me is same like humiliating me, how dare a man do this to me!" Lily starts crying like she just lost her dignity, Tee startles with the action, Han shakes his head feeling annoyed with his sister.

"Respect Tee decision" Gen Lee said that to Lily, no one is having a free drama at this moment. Lily is always dramatic and make small matters become big.

"Mother, father just let a man humiliate his daughter. All of you are laughing at me, this is really humiliating" Lily continue to cry, Gen Lee look at his wife and wants his wife to handle their daughter. Gen Lee leaves the room.

"Lily, no one is laughing at you. We respect what you want, we also respect what Tee want. It's fair." Mdm Lee softly talking to her daughter so that her daughter will be calm. Lien is rolling her eyes, tired of her twin's action.

"Lily, grow up! I'm tired and annoyed with your childish act. You can't get everything you want and Tee already reject you as nice as he can.!" Han scolds Lily when even their mother can't pass through Lily's thick skull.

"Let's go Tee. This is not your fault at all, Lily should grow up and learn her mistakes!" Han pulls Tee's hand and both of them leave the room.

They walk silently to their room, Han is still furious while Tee is still thinking about his decision, he knows it's the right thing for him, he will not marry someone half heartedly.

"Phi, don't be so angry"

"I should Tee. Lily is always went over board, she should grow up" Tee has no answer of that so they just silently continue walking to their room.

Two days passed, it is bad, Lily is still stubborn to accept the rejection and she still blames everyone in the house. Gen Lee and his wife are having a headache with their daughter's action.

"Tee, I have something to talk to you. Come to my work room" Gen Lee ask Tee to follow him, Tee just obeys and ready with whatever he will be told about.

"Tee, in three days, the exam to the school will be opened. I'm sure you are ready for the exam, will you take it?" ask Gen Lee direct to Tee.

Tee is nervous and surprised with the news, it's really soon and he doesn't knows if he totally prepared for it, what if he failed? They didn't even speak to each other after what happened, does his father want to send him away?

"I'm not sure if I'm ready father, if my stay here make everyone unhappy, I will rent another place and work" Tee looks at the floor all the time, he is sad that he will lose a family again. It must be because he brings bad luck like his step father said.

"No Tee, it's not because of that. Don't think like that, you are my son no matter what"

"Then, why the sudden exam father?"

"I'm not sure myself but I heard the exam will be move forward. I will not send you if you are not totally ready, I understand. I also want to spend more time with you" Tee smiles when he sees how sincere his father is. It is for the best too, now is the best time to let everything cool down.

"I will pack and get ready father"

"Come here my son" Tee runs into the embrace, he miss it so much!

"If you are my daughter, I will not let you leave my house, I will keep you lock in the room" the jokes brighter the moods, Tee laughs a bit too.

"If I'm a girl, I will still be in Palace father"

"It might be, I'm glad you are my son now"

"Yes. I'm glad too, I'm sorry for rejecting Lily. I don't want to make anyone unhappy"

"It's okay Tee, Lily needs to learn that she will not get everything she wants. I hope you forgive her manners"

"I understand father. I don't mind much, I hope she will find the best husband for herself. I just can't accept her" Tee doesn't know why he had the thought that he needs to protect his heart, it's like his heart is not belong to him anymore because he can't give it to anyone.

Gen Lee smiles when he looks at Tee, he knows what his son wants, even though his son still can't realise what he wants.

"I understand Tee, because you and your heart belong to someone else already" Tee looks at general, confuse with the answer.

"Go and pack what you need. Three days will be fast" General Lee send Tee out of how work room. Tee obeys but still can't grasp the meaning of his father's words.

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