Part 51

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-mistakes everywhere, not edited-

Tee is still learning to be a proper healer from Healer Lim. Tee pays attention to his study, he sometimes forget to eat because he is busy learning from Healer Lim.

"Mother! Play with Ten" Ten whines to Tee. Tee rarely spend time with him now because Tee is busy with his study.

"Ten, don't disturb your mother" Tae intend to take Ten away to play outside, far from Tee.

"It's okay phi" Tee stops his reading and take Ten with him to go outside.

He is busy studying that he forget he is a parent now and Ten still needs his attention. Tae sighs and shakes his head, his son can be stubborn if he wants.

"let's go fishing at the lake and then we can eat together" suggest Tee excited. He needs time to recover from his study too, spending time with Ten is the best way.

Tae accompany his family, he joins them sometimes but all he done is actually watching his Queen and Prince. They both enjoy their time together.

"Tee, Ten. It's dark already. Go take bath and we will have dinner together" said Tae when he realise it almost fully dark. It's time for them to get inside.

Tee and Ten obeys what Tae said, three of them walk to their own room. Ten is a big boy now, he can take his bath alone without Tee's help anymore. Tee and Tae walk to their new bedroom.

Tae gives the room for Tee to decorate how Tee want and now the room is still has a lot of empty space because Tee doesn't know what to do in there.

"Go take the bath, maid already prepared warm water" Tae told Tee to go first, Tee looks at Tae not moving from the place. Tae looks at Tee back because Tee is still here.

"Anything you want my love?" ask Tae tenderly. Tee smiles and walks closer to hug the king. Tae smiles widely when Tee act spoil with him.

"Lets take one together" Tee invites Tae to take a bath together and it's never happen before. Tae is stunned.

"are you sure?" ask Tae to confirm it, Tee always run away when he initiate to be intimate before.

"Yes. Tonight, I will forget my study and focus more on you" Tee smiles seducing Tae. Tae heart start beating real fast and he is hot suddenly. Tee is playing with his emotion.

"I will not let you sleep early then" Whispers Tae to Tee making the hair around Tee's neck stand up.

Both of them are men and they have their need and desire.

Tee nods his head, it's been so long they spend intimate moment together. They both want it, Tee is embarrassed to ask and Tae is being considerate to wait for Tee.

"Let's take a bath first. Our son will barge in here if we are late" Tae chuckles at what Tee said. They both enter the bathroom together.


At the table, Copter and Ten are waiting to eat dinner together, they wait for awhile before Tae and Tee arrive at the table. Tee greets both of them with a wide smile. Tae just act like usual.

Copter's eyes wander around Tee's neck that have red spots. Tee's pale skin make the red marks look clear and bright.

"I'm sure Phi Tae is full now" Tease Copter.

Tee smiles shyly and ignore it, trying to focus on Ten.

Tae on the other side just smile smugly, he starts to make his plate and eat the food. Copter laughs a bit before start eating too.

"when your lover will come to see me to ask for marriage?" ask Tae suddenly.

He knows he has been strict to his brother and his lover. He is just want what's the best for his brother. He trusts Kim will take good care of his brother.

Copter are surprised that his brother asking this question from him. He thought his brother doesn't like their relationship much.

"I know I'm not showing it but I'm happy with whoever person you choose. I think Kim is good for you" add Tae when his little brother and his wife can't believe what he said. Is he that bad?

Copter looks at Tee to know if Tee talks to Tae but Tee shakes his head. He knows nothing about this matter.

"Ask him to meet me tomorrow. I will talk to him myself" Tae decides after long silence.

"Phi, Kim is not ready yet, he said he need to save more before he can marry me" Copter understand when Kim told him that, Kim is a man and he has his pride to provide for his mate.

"I understand what he meant Ter, just told him to meet me because I know both of you want to tie your relationship sooner. Money and wealth we can find but not time. Both of you can meet me to discuss about your wedding"

What Tae said leaving Tee and Copter speechless. Copter rush to Tae's side to hug his brother tightly. He is really happy that his brother thinks about him too. Tae never look like he cares but he did care and love his family.

"Why Uncle Ter hug father?" ask Ten cutely. Tee smiles and kiss Ten on the cheek.

"Because they are happy and Uncle Ter and Uncle Kim will get married"

"Really? Yay!!!" cheers Ten happily, don't know if he really understand what Tee is saying now.

Copter return back to his seat still happy, he can't wait to tell the good news to his lover.

"I think I will tell him now!" Copter decides to leave the dinner now, Tae nods his head with a smile.

Copter waves goodbye to Ten and runs to find Kim, he really wants to let Kim know about this matter sooner.

"Thank you phi, for giving my friend your blessing" Tee touches Tae's hand softly. He is really grateful for his friend happiness.

"no need to thank me love, I accept Guard Kim because I know he is the happiness to my brother." Tae grips Tee's hand in his, they share a loving stare and smile.

Ten blinks can't understand what is happening, he grab Tae's other hand and smile widely showing his missing teeth. Tae and Tee can't help but laugh at their son silliness.

Three of them enjoy their dinner together as a happy family. They don't have anything else to ask because they already get everything in this world. They hope whatever they have now will remain forever.

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