Part 12

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-Mistakes everywhere, not edited-

The king obviously cares about Tee more than other concubines, other concubines try to get attention from the king but failed miserably, Tee never ask for the attention but he gets it all the time, he doesn't like it at all. Numbers of people hating him increase too, now he is looked as a cheap woman that seduce to be on top.

"Sire, I'm sure you have better things to do today" Tee politely chasing Tae away, he likes his alone time more than this. He wants to hang out in the library and take naps there.

"My Ministers can do all the work for me, besides my brother is helping too"  Tee mutters his disliking to the answer, he wants to be alone!

"I want to go to the library" Tee excuse himself and try to run away from Tae but failed, Tae follows him like his tail.

Tee looks at Kim asking for help but of course Kim can't do anything to help him, they are facing the king, the highest in this kingdom.

"Please prepare tea for us" Tae orders Prin to get them some tea, Tee frowns harder this time, he wants to be alone.

"You can go too, Lady Tee wants a peace while reading" Tae orders Kim to leave them too.

"You are the one disturbing my peaceful time" mutters Tee, Tae clearly can't hear him at all.

Tee leaves Tae to get some book to read, he will focus on reading and make sure to ignore Tae at all cost so that the king will be bored and decided to leave.

An hour pass, Tae still loyal in front of Tee at the table. Tee huffs angrily, he can't understand what he read at all.

"Sire, I'm sure you are bored now, you can leave me here, I'm going to read a few more hours" Tee try to politely chase the king again.

The king hides his smile, he knows Tee want him to go but he is having fun teasing Tee right now, he enjoys the silence too.

"I'm fine, it's been so long since I read books like this" Tee sighs dejected, he feels his back is breaking for sitting straight for so long, Tae seems alright.

"I'm going to find another book" Tee gets up from the chair, he can feel his back hurt a bit, he stretch and go to the last row of the books.

He takes out his blanket that he hide under a rack, put it on the floor and lay down. He always do that, he wants to take a long nap too, being with Tae make him uses tons of his energy.

30 minutes waiting Tae can't help but curious why Tee is still not come with new book, he decides to look after Tee, maybe find new books for him to read too.

He keeps walking until he see a silhouette that laying on the floor, at first he is worried, but when he see Tee lays there peacefully having a nap make him smile.

"You really are a weird girl" Tae sits near Tee's head, he keeps smiling without he knows, watching Tee's sleeping face make him feels really happy

"You really not a normal woman, your face alone makes it look like you are different from others" Tae unconsciously caress Tee's cheek softly.

"You are beautiful but have strong features, you are different yet beautiful. Who are you?" ask Tae to sleeping Tee, he enjoys watching Tee's face.

Tae leans closer to Tee's forehead, his lips almost touch it but he stops himself when he realise the reality.

"Rose" Tae holds his chest, he rush leaving the library, his mind is in mess. He can't believe he tries to kiss someone that not his wife.

Tee awakes when Kim shakes him, Tee sleeps till night time come. Tee stretches his tired body and look for the king.

"He left a few hours ago, get up!" Kim helps Tee to stand.

"I'm hungry" Tee pouts while rubbing his stomach, he missed lunch too.

They both walk to Tee's room, on the way there Tee insist to get something from kitchen to eat first. He enjoys the left over food from the cook, Kim enjoys it too.

They continue their walk to the room while talking about everything.

"Tee, what if the king fall for you?" ask Kim to Tee, he can see how Tae treats Tee, it can be love soon.

Tee laughs at the absurd question, for him Kim is crazy for asking like that.

"No way Kim! I'm just a concubine" Tee continue to laugh at Kim.

"well, who knows right?"

"Kim, have you seen the portrait of The Queen?" ask Tee to Kim, Kim nods his head, he has seen it before at the main hall.

"Can't you see how gorgeous she is?"

"Yes" answer Kim still can't follow what is meant by Tee.

"look at me!" Kim looks at Tee still can't understand.

"he will never like me, I'm no match to the late queen, stop talking about this. I don't even want to replace her, I can't too"

Kim nods his head understand, Tee is a man, not a woman. They are lying to the king and the death is waiting for them if this blow up.

"but he seems to like you" Kim still doesn't give up what he thinks. The king spends time with Tee but not with other concubines.

"No way! I've nothing, not even a sexy body" Tee pose a silly sexy pose making Kim laughs. It's so humorous. Both of them laugh at how stupid Tee act just now.

"So true Tee, you don't even have breast" whispers Kim, Tee hits Kim's arm while laughing, they are crazy.

"I stuff a bit clothes to make it look not so flat" whispers Tee back, he needs to do that or else it will be weird that he has no breast at all.

"Can I feel it?" ask Kim and Tee agrees fast without realising a pair of eyes are watching them from far.

Tee takes Kim's hand and put it on his chest, the owner of the eyes shocked. He decides to leave the place, not after punching the wall.

"What's that sound?" ask Tee curious when they heard bang. They stop playing too.

"Go inside, I will check it"

"Okay. Good night Kim, sleep in your room tonight, I'm fine here" Tee enters his room and lock it like usual. He wash himself and get ready to sleep. He still can sleep after sleeping so much at noon.

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