Part 47

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-Mistakes everywhere, not edited-

Copter teases Tee when they are having breakfast together, Tee ignores Copter because nothing happened last night. He is tired that all he thinks about is sleep.

"Shut up Ter!" whines Tee when Copter keep teasing him. He really has nothing to be teased about.

"eat your egg Ten" said Tee when Ten secretly pushing his egg away from the plate.

Ten pouts but eat it slowly, he dislike the smells of the boiled egg. Tee just smiles and continue eating his food. Tae still can't act casual because he can feel Tee is hiding something from him. Tee seems distant with him.

Tee spends all his day with Ten and ignores Tae, Tae attends all his work. The ministers actually surprised to see their king return to work so soon. They thought their king want to spend more time with his Queen.

"sire, please trust us to manage this matters. Spend more time with our queen, if we need anything we will refer to you" The head minister humbly tell Tae to rest and spend time with the Queen more. They are still newlyweds.

Tae scoffs at that, he wants to spend time with Tee but Tee is busy with Ten. Nothing different like before except their status change.

Sometimes Tae wonders if he is the one who force Tee to this marriage. Maybe he thought this is the best for them but it's wrong.

"It's okay. I will leave early" answer Tae and returns to his work back.

The ministers bow and nod their head. No one talk after that.

The night came, Tee takes shower in his old room like before. Tae can't understand it for the second time, he is tired with Tee's game that he doesn't care anymore. He gets ready to sleep early.

Tee feels weird that Tae doesn't talk to him tonight, Tae just said he wants to sleep early because he is tired. Tee blinks watching Tae's back.

"Phi Tae" calls Tee softly, he hugs Tae close to himself. He wants Tae to turn to his side and hug him like last night.

"hm?" response Tae short.

"Are you okay?" ask Tee carefully.

"Yes. Just tired" answer Tae simply and continue closing his eyes.

"Turn to me" asks Tee cutely.

Tae sighs before he turns his body and let Tee hug and move closer to him. He puts his hand around Tee's back too.

Tee moves forward and slowly drops kisses on Tae's face. Of course he wants to be intimate with his husband too, he wants to move on from his negative thoughts.

Tae opens his eyes when Tee keep leaving kisses on his face. The way Tee begs with his eyes is really seductive. Tae takes in charge and start to respond to Tee's kisses.

Their lips met and they treat it with love, moving together softly until Tee moan. Tae gets on Tee body and keep leaving kisses making Tee can't think straight anymore.

"Phi, hurry" moans Tee when he can't control himself anymore.

Tae becomes more excited and starts to touch Tee where it feels good. They are lost in their love, hands moving to touch each other's skin. One by one layer of clothes drop to the floor.

"Phi Tae" Tee open his eyes to look at Tae, their lips want to meet again but Tee stops midway when his eyes catch the late Queen's portrait.

Tee stops moving, Tae still excited but he also stops when Tee seems lost and quiet.

"Tee" calls Tae softly.

Tee blinks and look at Tae, he looks at themselves and push Tae away from him. He get down from the bed and grabs his clothes. Tae is dumbfounded.

"We can't do this" Tee tight his shirt back and he wants to leave the room. He doesn't want to be in there anymore. He can't lie himself to be comfortable.

"Tee, what happened? Why?" Tae can't understand why Tee act that way so suddenly.

"I can't do it phi. I'm sorry but I can't"

"I won't force you. Don't blame yourself. It's okay because this is new, we can take time. I'm sorry for rushing you" Tae holds Tee in his embrace, he doesn't want Tee to leave.

Tee shakes his head disagree, it is not Tae's fault. It is his.

"No phi, you don't understand. It is not your fault, it is mine because I can't do it" Tee blames himself

"Tee, it's okay. I don't mind it at all. I understand"

"No, you don't understand and you will never understand" Tee insist his words. Tae frowns because Tee is being hard that he can't understand why.

"Talk to me, I will understand"

"No! I'm leaving, I will sleep in my room" Tee let himself out from Tae's embrace and want to leave the room, he already has his hand on the door.

"This is your room, our room" Tae raise his voice a bit. For him Tee is trying to run away from him

Tee looks at Tae for a moment before he opens the door a bit. This is not his room and never will be. He can't stay in it where the trace of the late queen are everywhere in the room.

"I'm sorry" Tee wants to leave but Tae pulls Tee back and close the door and lock it.

"Talk to me, why you said this is not your room?" Tae wants answer from Tee. This is their second night as husbands but they already have a fight.

"clearly, this is not my room" answer Tee, Tae frowns harder.

"This is my room, it makes it yours too" respond Tae back.

"No, this is not my room. This is your room and your late wife" answer Tee clearly this time, Tae lost for words.

"What are you talking about?" ask Tae.

"I'm talking about this!" Tee shows the portrait.

Tee walks to the table and show everything on it.

"this!" The accessories

"This!" Tee opens the wardrobe, full of clothes belong to the late Queen.

"even in here" Tee shows the bathroom.

Tee has tears in his eyes, he feels stupid for feeling this way but be can't lie himself to just accept everything.

"This is not my room and it will never be. If you want to stay in this room I don't mind but I can't. I don't want you to put it away or anything, you can keep everything in here except me. If you want to be with me, I will be in my room, my space and my place" Tee wipes his tears and open the lock on the door.

He leaves the room but he turns around to see Tae.

"I love you phi, I respect that you love your late wife and your past with her. I'm sorry that you can't take me there, I can't because I want to live with present and future you. You can stay here if you miss her, I don't mind. I will leave first" Tee walks away from the door.

The sounds of Tee's steps ring in Tae's ears. Tee doesn't want to be selfish but he can't force himself to lie and accept things he can't.

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