Part 20

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-Mistakes everywhere, not edited-

The exam went well, Tee spends his time at the old hut after visiting his mother's grave. He met with his stepfather accidently and able to hide till he is here, alone and without no one know him. He gets everything he needs for the three days stay from the market.

Tee sweeps the rattan bed for him to sleep and rest his back, he sits on it and look outside at the dark sky. A few stars but a big round full moon shines the land.

"Mother, I want to be a healer and a useful human being for this world" Tee stares at the moon, tears in his eyes ready to flow anytime soon.

"I've done bad things, I even deceived a king. I will have my head chop off if the king knows about it, even my new family will be in threat." Tee wipes his tears with his sleeves.

"Should I just give up on my dream and leave this country, or maybe I can live in a deep forest alone" He feels scared every time he thinks about he as a Lady Tee.

It's true everything is fine now and he is back to his true self, a man Tee. But if fates play its game and expose his crime many people will suffer the consequences. Everyone he loves will have to face it, even though it's not even their fault.

"Do you know what is the worst among all?" Tee asks the moon, hoping his mother's face will be seen and his mother can smile to encourage him to continue his life

"I fall in love with the king! I don't know how mother! It just happened. Why I fall for him?" Tee knows falling in love for the king is like dreaming for the moon to fall on his laps. It's never going to happen.

"The day I leave the palace, the day I realised that I want to stay at his side but I can't." Tee hugs his knees together and hide his face, he is ashamed for himself, wailing and sobbing fir something he can't have.

Tee lets the night take away his sadness and let sleep take over his tired body and soul.


Han already arrived at the Palace at night, he gets some rest before start working tomorrow. He never knows that The king and the prince are waiting for him presence this much, making him nervous.

The breakfast is really awkward and full of protocols because the king is here. Han keeps his head low and eat silently, scared he offend the king or anything.

"Writer Han, you done with the breakfast?" ask Tae directly, his voice is full of authority.

"Yes sire. I'm done, I'm ready to write anytime now" Han is nervous to the bone, it is suffocating that he can't even breath properly.

"The books can wait, my son want to talk to you, let's go to outside, at the lake"

"Yes, of course"

Three of them having hot tea with rice cakes, Ten is eager to ask about Tee.

"Phi writer, Phi Tee good?" ask Ten directly.

Han is shocked, he knows nothing about Tee is known by the royal. He thought his father adopt Tee because Tee lost his parent in war.

"Phi Tee? My new family?" ask Han to make sure they are talking about the same person.

"Yes" answer Tae on his son behalf, he is surprised that Han doesn't know about Tee's place in the palace. He thinks that general doesn't want to make anything hard for Tee so maybe, the general lie about the real situation.

"uhm, My son is a friend to Tee, I don't know much about it either and I don't know her well. He always talk about this person. Later, I heard your father adopted her making my son sad she left"

Han can't believe all of this, he really never knows this, he is confused, Tee never said anything about knowing a prince too.

"you look confused" the king continue.

"Yes sire. I spend lots of time with him but he never mentioned anything like that, I'm surprised" Tae clench his teeth, his scowl clear on his face. He doesn't like what he heard. Spend lots of time together?!

"Maybe he doesn't know that my son is a prince" Tae reasons out, Han nods his head, maybe it's true so he just believe it.

Ten talks about Tee all the times and Han answer whatever he can, Tae stays with them listening to their conversation. He feels pained inside because the Tee they are talking about is the same Tee he supposed to know but it's so different, like a different person.

"Yes, Tee can't even hold a sword" they both giggles together at that, having fun bad mouthing Tee, Tee must have cough badly in the mountain.

"Phi Tee scared of frogs. Funny" they laugh again, Tae just smiles looking at his son enjoying the conversation. If talking about Tee make him this happy, what will happen if they meet.

'It will be your fifth birthday present son' Tae makes a mental note for himself, another month will be his son birthday, he will bring Ten to see Tee.

The conversation continue a few hours more but Han is here to do his work. He left for work after their fun conversation.

"Sir, I'm sorry" Kim approaches Han politely when Han is on his way to work room.

"Yes, you must be Kim" Han smiles brightly when he see Kim, Tee told a lot about Kim to him. Kim seems excited too.

"Yes. I am Kim. How is Tee?" ask Kim excited, forgetting all the manners that he find its hard to learn about 

"He is well, follow me. He gave a letter for you" Kim giddily walk with Han, they share a few stories about Tee too.

Han gives the letter to Kim, Kim thanked Han and go to his place, he wants to read it as fast as he can.

He makes sure he is alone and read it in anticipation, he glads that Tee is happy and now pursuing what he wants to do in his life. Everything is going alright with his life, Kim is more than thankful for the general's kindness to give Tee a new life.

"I wish all the best to you Tee. Hopefully we will meet again in the future" Kim tears the letter into tiniest pieces because he doesn't want it reach anyone's hand. It will be bad for Tee.

"What's that?" Copter comes to Kim, asking what Kim is doing.

Kim is a bit nervous but trying hard to keep his posture, he needs to be calm.

"Tee's letter" answer Kim calmly. Copter frowns.

"Why did you tear it?" ask Copter feels weird.

"it's easier that way. I can't keep it too, it's better tear it and let it blend with the water" Kim throws the pieces into the lake.

"How is she?" ask Copter when he is not curious about what Kim did to the letter.

"She is well and happy. I'm glad"

"Me too" Copter holds Kim's hand. They rarely get intimate especially at broad daylight light this, people will see them together. Copter wants to take their relationship further but he needs to make sure Tae will agree with his decision first.

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