Part 19

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-Mistakes everywhere, not edited-

Tee leaves the house with a bit heavy heart but he knows it all for good, Lily needs time to recover from the rejection and Tee is not cruel enough to stay there rubbing salt on her wound.

Han accompany Tee to take the exam, the result will be out in three days after the exam done. Tee decides to stay at his mother's hut on the hill. He enjoys being there, Han can't stay long with him too. He will has a chance to visit his mother grave too.

"Phi can't wait for you because I need to be in the palace. I know you can do it, I will visit you soon" Han ruffles Tee's hair softly, he wants to stay for support but he needs to go to the palace, The king want him to write a special book for his son.

Tee enters the exam hall, everyone looks so loaded, he feels like he is out of place, even though his outfits are expensive too. Tee shakes off unnecessary thought and focus for the exam, he is here to be a healer.


In the palace is never same after Tee left, it is weird because Tee is just a concubine, but he leaves a huge impact to the palace, especially the prince and the king.

The prince always asking for Tee but he remembers his promise to listen to his father, he stays friend with Prin and Kim.

The king doesn't even close to any concubine anymore, he is focusing his life more to the country and his son. He even decrease the number of concubines because it seems not needed anymore in the palace.

Ministers realise the drastic changes, it almost the same when the Queen death but no one open their mouth to say anything to the king.

"Father!" Tae stops reading his scrolls and look at his son who is running to him.

Tae smiles and catch his son in time, he hugs his prince close to him. The prince is the solid reason he keeps moving forward after his wife leave him for good.

"What do you want son?" Tae ruffles Ten's hair while focusing what his son wants to tell him.

"I want to see Phi Tee" Tae can't answer it, he can't give what his son wants too. He feels bad as a father.

"Phi Tee is far from here, he will be tired if he come here soon" Tae tried his best to give the excuse that will make his son understand.

"Really? We go visit?"

"We can't go soon too, it takes lots of procedures to leave Palace, it is not safe for you. Be patient a bit, I'm sure she will visit you"

"Okay" Ten sadly agree and hugs Tae, he can't be stubborn about this matter, he doesn't want to trouble anyone. Tee teaches him a lot about life.


"Yes my son?" Tae looks at his son lovingly.

"Can I marry my friend?" Tae chuckles at that question, he doesn't knows his son has a crush.

"Who is this lucky girl?"

"Phi Tee" Tae stunned at the answer, never once he thought his son likes Tee that much, so much to think about marrying Tee.

"I can't father?" Ten pouts sadly when he can see a clear frowns on Tae's forehead.

"You like her that much hm?" ask Tae, forcing a smile on his sour face, he barely can forget Tee's presence and now his son wants to marry the said person.

Tae sighs and ignores what his son talk to him later on, he has a lot of thinking to do and half of it full with his Concubine.

"Father, can't we visit her?" his son is still hopeful to see his crush.

"Son, I've explain to you, it's not easy. Besides, his brother will be here today. You can ask him about her"

"Phi writer?" ask Ten cheerful, he really likes Han because Han writes lot of his child book too. Ten loves reading like his late mother, not reading much, just look around the books. He is still learning at young age.

"Yes. You can ask him during tea time. Now, go to your uncle so that father can finish some work"

"Okay!" Ten leaves Tae alone, he go to where Copter is, of course with Kim.

They have no secret meeting like before anymore. Even though Tae wants to stop their relationship he can't, he can't when Copter likes Kim that much. What a dilemma he in right now.

Copter, Kim and Prin spend time with the prince, Prin also become the group of maids to the prince. Ten still miss Tee but his time occupied with his other friends.

"Kim, do you know what Tee is doing now?" ask Copter to Kim, the palace seems like lost connection with Tee all over, especially since the general also retired.

"I don't know either Ter. I want to know what happened to her too" Kim really is worried because he heard nothing from Tee at all, it's not easy to send letters into the palace without the king knowing. He just can pray and hope Tee is happy and lives well at the new household.

"I hope she can be here, Ten clearly needs her, my stubborn brother too" Copter sighs deeply.

Kim knew Copter's identity when Ten called him uncle, everything go badly at first because Kim can't accept he is a friend to the King's brother but after Copter talk and explain everything they become friends again, maybe more. Kim still thinks he doesn't deserve to have special relationship with the royal, he is only a mere guard.

"The king looks okay for me" comments Kim, the king still doesn't like him much so he tends to stay away from the King's presence.

"You think so, he focuses on work more than himself. I know he likes Lady Tee, he is just trapped in his past love" comments Copter, Kim just nods his head slowly, can't believe Copter thinks as he is, the king has feeling to Tee.

"Do you think Tee likes my brother too?" ask Copter to Kim, asking for opinion because based on his observation, Tee doesn't like his brother much.

"I don't know, I can't read his feelings well"

"Uncle!!! Come here, crocodile!" Ten yells calling for Copter.

Copter and Kim run to him when he heard crocodile, crocodile in Palace's lake? That's dangerous.

"Where?!" ask Kim worried.

"Here, a baby crocodile" Ten shows an animal under the leaf, a really small 'crocodile' known as lizard.

Kim and Copter laugh when he see the cute crocodile, Ten is still young to know every animal.

"It's a lizard Ten, not crocodile"

"lizard? Can I pet?"

"No prince, it might be poisonous. Let's go, it's already dark. You want to talk to Phi writer right?"

"Yes!!! Go!" Ten happily runs to his place, Prin runs along following the prince. He has a fast set of legs.

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