Part 45

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-Mistakes everywhere, not edited-

People fill the palace to the main gate, so many people gather today to see and meet their new queen. They already heard about the queen is a man but they respect it and happy for their king.

Everyone knows how hard their king try to move on from his late wife. To find a new replacement and a mother to their prince make them happy and pray for the best to the king and his future queen.

"Everyone is here already?" ask Tee surprised, their ceremonies will take awhile.

"Yes. Everyone is excited to meet their Queen" Gio exclaims happily, he is more excited than Tee.

Copter also said the same thing, many people are happy for them.

"Please serve them light foods first. They will be hungry and tired waiting" said Tee.

Tee doesn't want anyone to get hungry and tiring themselves while waiting. Copter nods his head, take the order and tell people in charge of food to serve the guests some food first while waiting.

"it's hot outside, we didn't have enough roof to cover everyone. Please let women and children to stay under the roof first, prioritise old people too. We have enough food and drinks right?" Tee is worry about people more than his wedding.

Tee might not show and admit it himself but he does has a queen's heart because he tends to think about people more.

Tee greets General Lee and his wife, together with his family too. He needs their blessing, even though they are not his real family, he already take them as his family.

"You will be happy my son" said General Lee and kiss Tee's forehead. Tee hugs his father and his mother.

He hugs Han, Lien and Lily too. Everyone is happy for him make him feels a lot happier too.

"excuse us, Queen Tee needs to get ready" Prin ask politely, Tee needs to get dressed and get ready for their ceremonies.

Prin and Copter help Tee to get ready, with just a simple touch Tee is glowing. To say that Tee is a beauty is not an exaggeration. Tee looks stunning in his wedding dress, even Prin and Copter can't hide their emotions. They are stunned with Tee's beauty.

"Don't react excessively, don't have to act like that" Tee hits them softly, for Tee they are just exaggerating a reaction.

"You are beautiful Phi Tee" praise Copter still amazes with how Tee looks.

"It's true Tee" supports Prin.

Tee ignores them and put the cover on his head, he covers his face like other brides.


Tae is waiting for his future queen on the throne, their wedding will be witnessed by all of his people. Tae tries to look calm but his heart is thumping his ribs crazily. He is nervous but happy at the same time. It is the new feelings that he never felt before.

"Be calm. I can hear your heart thumps like crazy" advise Godt, he can't help but chuckles at Tae. Tae is always calm, this is so different from normal Tae.

"I can't calm down Godt." admits Tae. He can't set his mind to be calm.

The sounds of drum inform that the bride is coming to the king. Tee is inside the carriage alone, being carried on the carpet to where Tae is standing. Everyone watches closely to the carriage, they can't see how Tee looks but they knows, their future Queen is in there.

Everyone is waiting with anticipation.

Tae watches every moment Tee is coming to him, their distances become closer every moment.

Tee reaches at the stairs, Copter helps Tee to get down from the carriage and holds Tee's hand to walk on the stairs. Everyone is waiting patiently.

Tee reaches the last stair and walk slowly approaching Tae who is waiting for him. Prin helps to hold Tee's gown from behind, Tae can't hide his wide smile from showing, it is wider than the lake.

Tee bows to Tae a bit when he is close to Tae, not close enough because he needs to walk a few more steps. Tae wants to go there to Tee but it is the culture to wait for his future wife.

"The bride can walk forward" informs the man in charge of the ceremony. Everything has rules.

Tee tries hard to walk normally because he feels his legs will give up anytime soon. He can't walk properly because he is nervous.

When he almost to his last step, he trips on something that make him almost fall but Tae rush to him and hold him close.

People gasps because they are shocked and worry about Tee.

"Are you okay?" ask Tae tenderly, he is really worried.

"I'm really nervous phi. It's embarrassing that I almost fell" whines Tee to Tae. He is really embarrassed with himself. Tae chuckles because Tee is cute.

"Let moves forward slowly" Tae holds Tee securely and walk together to the stage where their ceremony will begin.

The ceremony begin with speech come from the man. Everything went smoothly till the two of them were announced as The King and The Queen.

"Please bow and respect our King and Queen. King Tae and Queen Tee"

Everyone stands on their knees and bows their head, they stay like that till the king give order for them to raise.

"Hurry up tell them to stand" mutters Tee, he is still has a cover but he can see it through the cover, even though it is not clear.

"please stand up and raise your head" Orders Tae and everyone on their feets now, watching Tae and Tee.

"Your Highness, please uncover the Queen"

Tae nervously touch the end of the cloth, he is nervous but it is the last step of the wedding. Tae slowly raise the cover over Tee's head, Tee still has his head bow.

"Raise your head my queen" Tae puts his finger under Tee's chin and make Tee to raise his head slowly.

Tae lose words to say when he see his Queen, everyone behind him too.

Tee blinks, he is scared because Tae said nothing at all.

"Phi Tae" calls Tee slowly, is he looks weird? His make up turn out bad?

Tae puts the cover back, Tee is shocked so does everyone else. What is happening right now? Tee almost cry because he thinks Tae doesn't like his looks and hate him.

Tae looks at Godt who still didn't watch Tee because he is standing behind Tee. Godt frowns why Tae did that. People are watching and curious why their king cover the queen's head back.

Tee sobs can be heard after a long silence, he is humiliated because of Tae's doing. Is he so ugly that Tae treats him like this?

"Tee" calls Tae softly when he heard Tee cry.

Tee push away Tae's hand from touching him and run away from the stage. Tee is running with all effort he has, this is not his wedding's dream.

"Tee!!!" calls Tae desperate for Tee but Tee just continue running.

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