Part 49

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-Mistakes everywhere, not edited-

Tae brings Tee to a place for their short vacation, for two days away from the palace and everyone. Just two of them because Tae can see how tired Tee is. They barely can spend time together as husbands because all of the problems.

Tae has a house near a lake, a beautiful but small house that he build for his son to play or a safe place if anything happen to the palace. The place is beautiful and have nice scenery.

Tee seems better and become more cheerful like his old self when he is here. Tee reads and take nap wherever he wants, Tee will fall asleep on Tae's when both of them reading near the lake.

"Tee, I want to talk about us a bit. May I?" ask Tae while playing with Tee's soft hair.

Tee looks up to see Tae's face. He is lying his head on Tae's laps.

"Yes. I want to talk about it too. I'm sorry for being so sensitive, I'm not trying to make you forget her, I'm not jealous of her. I just don't want to be in that room because it belongs to her, I want to build a new memories with you" Tee hopes Tae understand him this time.

Tae smiles and leans down to kiss Tee's forehead.

"I understand. I'm sorry for being insensitive. I already prepare a room for us, you will have time to decorate it as you like. What I have with Rose will remain there, in my memory, my past. You are my future and I love you"

Tee smiles softly, Tae is so kind to him that Tae decided to do this much for Tee. Tee gets up and looks at Tae's eyes.

"I love you too" Said Tee while smiling.

They keep staring at each other for a few seconds before Tae leans closer, bring their face close together that they can feel each other breath.

Tee slowly flutters his eyes close and lean closer too, Tae takes the initiative to bring their lips together. They share a soft kiss with full of love. Tae's hand hold Tee's face and they continue to kiss without caring whatever happens around him.

"Bedroom" mutters Tee when he lost in his own desire, he waits too long to have time like this.

Tae without wasting any second lift Tee in his arm and he brings Tee to the bedroom. It is in evening but who cares. They have the place for themselves after all.

Time keep moving and they share and give each other all the love that they can't convey with words.

Night comes to them, it's too dark to see anything else when both of them are done. Tee's face and body flushes because of what happened between them, he is shy and happy at the same time.

Tae leaves Tee's side to light up some candle to brighten the room. Tae chuckles when he see Tee covering himself with the blanket. Their clothes everywhere on the floor.

"Cover yourself phi" mutters Tee because Tae is naked showing everything he has.

Tae grins and walk to Tee.

"You saw everything already" tease Tae, Tee glares and hits Tae's chest lightly.

"I will take a bath first, then I will prepare warm bath for you. I will cook us dinner after that" today Tae is not a king, he is a husband that will do anything to his wife. Tee nods his head, not like he can do anything right now. He is tired and hungry.

Tee is having a warm bath, soaking in the tub peacefully, while Tae is preparing something for them to eat. They will return to the palace tomorrow, Tee wants to use the time wisely.

Tee is done and wearing his clothes, he walks to the room to see everything is on the table already. Tae is fast in cooking.

"Everything look delicious phi. You are a great cook" Tee wants to eat already, his stomach is yelling for him to fill it.

"sit down, let's eat now. Of course I'm a great cook because my father told me to learn how to cook" Tee is amazes that he can eat something made by Tae, the king himself.

They enjoy their dinner and Tee thinks this is the first time he eats this much after the bad incident. He is full but still want to eat, everything is really good after a day of hard work right?

It is late when they finished eating, both of them are staring outside the window, watching a moon and stars. Tee is in Tae's arm, leaning his back on Tae's body. They share their warmth together.

"I like it here. Can we come here again?" ask Tee glancing at Tae. Tae smiles and nods his head.

"Of course we can" Tae kiss on top of Tee's head.

"How's your body?" ask Tae concern, Tee flushes red instantly.

"I'm fine! Stop asking!" whines Tee. Tae laughs at how Tee react, he is just asking.

"Is it feels good?" tease Tae more, having this reaction from Tee makes him want to tease more.

"Phi! I will bite you!" warns Tee angry.  Tae laughs again and hug Tee closer to him.

They enjoy their remaining time staying at each other's side. When they return to the palace, Tee will leave the palace soon. His school is starting in few days.

"I will miss you a lot" Tae doesn't want to let Tee go but he already promised Tee. He will visit once a week, it will never be enough but it is better than nothing.

"time will move fast phi, few months are not long" said Tee.

Tae sighs, it will not be easy for him. They just married for a week but they need to separate because of something can't be stopped.

"I will miss you and Ten a lot too."

"Can I still visit you secretly like before?" ask Tae.

Tee laughs and looks at Tae for asking silly question.

"You already tighten the security there. It's gonna be hard to sneak into the school"

"I can bribe the guard, or just order him to let me in"

"Phi, don't abuse your power. Remember this, outside the school, I'm your wife but in there, I'm a scholar and I will follow every rules in there. Don't make me stay in bad situation phi" pleads Tee.

Tee doesn't want anyone treat him differently. He wants to finish his study as an unknown Tee. He doesn't need unnecessary attention but he already regain the attention of everyone in there.

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