Part 36

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-Mistakes everywhere, not edited-

"when you will tell them everything?"  Gio whispers to Tee in their class.

Tee shares part of the secret but not all of it, Gio feels half better, he is still anxious that he might expose everything without he knows.

"Soon" whispers Tee back, he still finding the best time to tell the whole story to Xen and Luk

"The whole story still surprised me till today, you became a concubine and everything" Gio just know the story what the king told them. The real story Tee keep it to himself and for those who knows only.

"Scholar Tee, Scholar Gio, you can go out from my class if you are not interested in it. Don't disturb others with your whispers" the teacher strictly told them with scary glares.

Tee and Gio apologise for their mistake, they stare on their books when the teacher return to teaching them. Tee glances to see Gio who is feels guilty for making they get scolded.

Their class end in the evening, after finishing their matters all of the scholars go to the food hall for their dinner.

Tee walks along with Luk and hearing whatever Luk is telling Tee about his classes all day. Tee sometimes laugh with what Luk tell him, Luk is really a funny guy that's why he has a lot of friends.

"Luk get scolded again today" Xen chirp into their conversation. Luk is one of the trouble makers in the class, always troubling teachers with his naughty behaviour.

"What he done this time?" ask Tee, already ready to hear some funny story about Luk.

"He is snoring in the class loudly, make the whole class shakes" Xen chuckles remembering how loud Luk's snore during his class.

Gio and Tee laugh at that, they have been roommates for months, Luk can snore like a beast.

"I can imagine how shocked the teacher is"

"Yes, I think teacher thought storm is coming because it sounds like thunder"

Gio and Tee laugh some more after that, they keep talking and sharing about their days. Including they get warned because of talking in the class.

After they done their dinner, everyone moves to their room, some enjoy some time in the park, library and around the school. They still have two hours before their time to be in the room.

Tee choose to spend his time in the library alone, he wants to find some book about the herbs he learn today. Xen and Gio already return to their room while Luk spends his time with his other friends.

"It's closing time, please leave the library" said the librarian.

Tee without realising he spend almost two hours in there. He leaves with his notes, he wants to revise some more before going to bed.

While he is walking alone someone approach him from behind and lock his movement, pushing his body to the wall. His heart beating real fast because of the attack.

At the same time Luk is going to his room and watch someone being attacked. He wants to call for help but decided to just ask Xen to help him. Xen is stronger and faster than him after all, he obviously can't ask help from Tee and Gio, they both are really bad.

"Xen!" Luk push the door wide open making Gio and Xen surprised.

"what?!!" ask Xen angry, one day he will has a heart attack because of Luk.

"someone is attacked and I need a back up, come on!" Luk rushly ask Xen to follow him.

"I want to go too" Gio wants to go together with them.

"ask Tee too" said Luk without realising that Tee is not in the room yet.

"Tee is not here. Oh! Is that Tee that being attacked? We need to help him!" Gio is panicked with his own thinking.

Xen and Luk has no time to make Gio calm down because they start running to the place where the attack happened.

Three of them can see the person that was attacked indeed Tee. The attacker trapped Tee along the wall, wearing everything in black make the attacker looks really suspicious.

"Help Tee!" begs Gio to Xen

Luk and Xen discuss a short plan and make a fast move. Xen holds the attacker shoulders and hand, he pushed the attacker to the wall and push the man hard.

Luk pulls Tee away from the scene, Tee moves by forced to Gio's side.

"Let's see who is this?!" The attacker is wearing a black mask too, it's hard to know the identity of the attacker.

Luk pulls the mask hard and throw it on the floor, it takes time for them to see the face because of dark night. After everything becomes clear, Luk eyes almost pop from his socket. He stands on his knees fast after watching the face of the attacker.

Xen is curious why Luk stands on his knees but when the attacker turns his head, Xen automatically fall down to his knee, even Gio follows.

"Sire!!!" Three of them bows to attacker, Tee shuts his eyes tight. Seems like everything will be out to his friends tonight.

"You are a strong man, want to be my warrior?" ask Tae to Xen, Xen's grip on him is really strong.

"I'm sorry sire, I mean no harm, I just trying to help my friend!" Xen bows lower, for him it is not a compliment just now, if the king said that under different circumstances, he will he really happy.

"I understand, please stand up everyone" said Tae calmly.

Tee can't even say anything, everything will be out to his friends soon and he wants Tae to tell everything to them. He will not explain anything to his friends.

Three of them slowly raise to their feet but still with head bowing full respect to the king. They can have their head chopped off because of treating the king roughly.

"Seems like it is still a secret" Tae chuckles a bit when he saw how scared Tee's friends are, the other two seems really shocked to see him here.

Xen and Luk raise their head to look at the king properly, they see a scene that they never thought it will happen, The King is trying hard to make Tee stay in his arm. Tae put a hand securely on Tee's waist.

"Tee is my future queen" Tae smiles to Tee fondly, not realise that Xen and Luk are gaping like fish out of water.

Tee frowns when Tae give answer like that, Tee looks at his friends and close their opened mouth.

"you should go now" said Tee to Tae, seems like he is the one who will explain everything to Xen and Luk, maybe with a little help from Gio.

"Alright. I'm going first" Tae nods his head to all of them and drop a kiss on Tee's temple before sneaking away to the school gate.

Xen and Luk look closely at Tee for answers. Gio smiles happily that the time for the real story out is near, he doesn't need to hide anything anymore.

"I will explain everything in our room"

Tee walks first and followed by others.

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