Part 25

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-Mistakes everywhere, not edited-

Ten is glued to Tee giving no chance whatsoever to Tae being alone with Tee. Tee glads that Ten keep staying at his side so that he doesn't need to be with Tae alone, just the two of them.

A lot has change in the palace, no more concubines, only maid. The concubines that once work with Tee before mostly married to ministers or decided to be a maid.

The king looks better than before, before this, he is focused on his wife death but now he focus more on country and his son.

Tae stares at his son and Tee talking with each other, Ten has a lot of things to say to Tee. Ten magically recovers from the fever after seeing Tee's face. Tee is a healer to Ten, maybe to someone that not realise it yet too.

"Phi Tee, will you stay forever?" ask Ten suddenly, already feeling sad with thinking Tee will leave him again.

"No Ten. I will leave tomorrow but I promise to come again"

"why? Father, can't Phi Tee stay?" Ten begs his father to let Tee stay, he wants Tee here at his side.

Tae shakes his head, he even put a serious face making Ten frowns before crying loudly, he really want Tee to stay with him.

Tee surprised that Ten is crying like this, he doesn't know how to console the prince, besides he doesn't want to stay here, he will never be calm.

"Come here son" Tae opens his arm and Ten runs into it, hugging Tae as tight as he can.

Tee feels guilty for making Ten become this sad because of him, he can't do anything.

"Father, please make Phi Tee stay" pleads Ten with face full of tears that make him look messy.

Tae takes a napkin and wipes Ten's crying face. Ten slowly calm down from his crying and yawning, his eyes flutters a few times before he fall to sleep.

Tae pats Ten's bottom softly with a hum that his late wife always humming to their son. Tee looks at the family, they look perfect together, if the Queen is still here, it will be the most perfect family on earth.

"Can't you stay?" Tae's voice makes Tee startles, he is too focused on the scene in front of him.

"I'm sorry sire, I can't" answer Tee without looking at Tae. He hopes he can tell the truth to Tae.

"What are you doing now?" ask Tae more, still patting his son to make sure Ten is in comfortable sleep.

"huh?" ask Tee back, confuse.

"What are you doing at Gen Lee's house" Tae makes his questions clear to Tee.

Tee can't reply immediately because he doesn't know what to say. He can't create another lie but lies will help him this time too. One day his lies will be the reason of his death.

"Tee" calls Tae when Tee is not responding to him.

"Nothing much sire. I just enjoy my time there"

"I went there but I can't see you. Where were you?"

Tee's heart beating so fast after hearing what Tae asked. He blinks nervously and try to mutters some fake answer but he can't.

"I don't know you came" Tee change the question making Tae smirks a bit, he is playing with Tee and he is having fun watching how nervous Tee is right now.

"I went there to see General Lee. General has two beautiful daughters" praise Tae while watching how Tee will react. Tee frowns but doesn't say anything, it's true, the twin are beautiful.

"Both of them are single if you are interested" answer Tee nonchalantly, disliking the topic, can't lie that he is a bit jealous. The king never shows any interest to any women before, not even him? As a lady of course.

"maybe" Tee looks at Tae for a few seconds before averts his eyes and look at sleeping prince. He wants to leave as soon as he can.

"so, where were you?" ask Tae once again, he wants Tee to answer him because he wants to know what lie will come out from Tee's mouth this time.

Tee clench and unclench his hands. He doesn't want to answer the question! He doesn't want to have any conversation with Tae anymore.

"I must out with Phi Han" lies Tee.

Tae knows it is a lie but hearing Tee with Han, he doesn't like it, he doesn't like the answer from Tee.

"Are you close with Writer Han?" ask Tae, Tee glances at Tae and nods his head.

"Phi Han is really kind and helpful, he helps me in the family. I'm really thankful that I have him as a brother" Tee smiles fondly when he remembers how kind Han treated him in the house. He is a lucky human to be treated nicely.

The environment turns chilly suddenly, Tae is quiet with a serious frown on his face.

"I should take my leave now, the prince need to rest on the bed" Tee attempts to leave the place, he already making steps after bowing to Tae but he stops when Tae called him.

"What if I order you to stay?" the question struck Tee shockingly. Tee can't move like his body is paralysed.

The memorise where he was a lady Tee makes him shivers. He can't be The King's Concubine anymore, he wants to run away from the past. His future will be dark too, his school, his friends in the school.

"I'm sorry sire, but I have to reject it" Tee bows his head lowly, he will beg if he needs to do so. He doesn't want to stay in the palace as a Lady Tee. He wants his freedom that he has now.

"You dare to defy me?" ask Tae serious.

Tee wants to cry but he stops himself, no use of crying because he is just a normal people, the king can has his head if he wants it.

"I don't want to defy you but I can't stay here too." Tee walks away slowly, if he needs to die, at this rate he doesn't care anymore. He bears all the burdens of lying his whole life, if death can take it away then he should.

"Tee!" calls Tae loudly. Tee stops himself and look at Tae.

"Then, should I die?" Tee question makes Tae lost words. He doesn't mean to push Tee that much, he wants Tee to tell him the truth.

"What are you talking about?"

"I can't have the life I want, I can't disobey you. What's the point of having me in this body anymore? I can't have everything, I know it but I don't want everything, I just want to live a normal life. Disobeying you means death is waiting for me, I should end my own life before you do. At least, that's what I can do to myself" Tee stares into Tae's eyes while conveying what he keep in his heart, he can go crazy if he thinks his past mistake. He can't take it anymore!

"I'm sorry for everything My King" Tee walks faster this time, Tae almost push Ten from his lap when he saw where Tee is going, Tee is moving directly to the lake.

Tae puts his son on the floor and runs after sinking Tee.

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