Part 6

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-Mistakes everywhere, not edited-

The young prince is whining and sulking because his father is not doing what he wants. He wants to change his caretaker, he wants Tee to be with him all the time.

"son, listen to me. She is a Concubine, she doesn't know how to be a caretaker" The king told his son softly hoping his son will understand the situation.

The caretaker is not simply as that, they need to know about ethics and rules in palace. Has a lot of knowledge and more. It's not easy to assign a caretaker to the prince.

"I want Phi Tee" The prince start to cry so hard now. Tae sighs, seems like talking will not go through to his son's head.

The king, Tae decides to leave his crying son alone, he still doesn't trust Tee to be near his son, as a maid or caretaker. He already put his trust to them and he will not change them easily.

"Phi, what's wrong with Ten?" ask Copter, he heard the cries when he is walking at the room.

Tae sighs and shakes his head, he is really stress with his son's tantrums.

"I shouldn't spoil him so much" Tae sighs again, since he lost his wife, he gives whatever his son wants to avoid his son feels sad and longing. He is wrong for doing that.

"Don't be hard on yourself phi. It's not easy to be a king and a father at the same time, a single father too. Be strong."

Tae smiles hearing his brother words. It's been so long he heard someone telling him how good he is now. It's always about country and his peoples.

"Thank you nong"

"I'm saying the truth, by the way, what your son wants this time? He rarely throwing tantrum unless he wants it so much" ask Copter, he hopes he can help a bit, maybe he can give what his nephew want from his father.

"Tee" answer Tae short. Copter frowns.

"Lady Tee? One of your concubine?" ask Copter to make sure his assumption.

"Yeah. He wants Tee to be his caretaker. Ten is being rude too, he keeps making trouble for his maids and caretaker. I don't know why he is so stubborn like that" Tae sighs again, his son is being difficult this few days because Tae keep ignoring what he wants.

"Ouh, I'm sure the stubbornness come from his mother" Copter laughs at that, it's so true and Tae can't agree more.

His late wife is really stubborn too, but that what makes him fall for the Princess from the north country. It takes him two years to understand and bear the stubbornness.

"Why not just give him what he wants" suggest Copter, he knows that Tae doesn't trust people easily but he trust Tee, Tee seems like a good person.

"I don't trust her Ter, she is new in here and she acts very different. She is a bit suspicious too" Tae keep observing Tee from time to time because Tee act differently compared to other concubines.

Tee didn't enjoy the luxuries prepared for him, Tee likes to spend time alone than with others. Tee never try to seduce him, not even want to join any event with him in there. Tee doesn't interested in him and what palace has at all.

"What if she is a spy from other country? She loves spending time in the library too" Tae states what he thinks about Tee.

Copter can't back up Tee at all because Tae's hunches are mostly right. What makes Tee decide to be a concubine if he just loves to read? Something is missing too,  so suspicious.

"Maybe he likes to read" Copter just make an assumption, there is nothing Tee can get from library even though he is a spy because every documents are in Tae's room. A restricted area.

"Every information and documents in your room phi, in the restricted building. Never once I saw him make a move there" Copter adds more, he investigate about Tee too because he is curious with Tee's life.

Tee always spends time in four places, his room, kitchen, library and the lake, he never cares about other places.

"I don't know nong, I can't entrust my son to her"  Tae is still with his decision 

"Phi, why not you try to talk to her, face to face. I know you can read people's habit, maybe you can know if  she is plotting something" suggest Copter, it's the best way if we approach our subject face to face.

"Okay, please tell the maid to send tea to the library and please do something to your nephew." Tae sighs again and make a move to the library. Copter laughs hearing his brother sighs that much. The little prince really know how to trouble his father.

At the moment, Tee is reading something with an apple in his mouth, he plucks it at the lake. While he is enjoying his alone time, a maid come with tea and some food.

"Erm, I didn't ask for this" Tee puts his book down and look at the maid, the maid try to answer him but stop when they hear another voice.

"I'm the one who ask for it"

"Your majesty" Tee and the maid bows real fast. Tee still bowing his head, scared that maybe his secret already blown up.

'Today is my last day?' Tee is scared that his life is in danger.

"Raise your head. You may leave, thank you" Tae nods to the maid giving orders.

Tee bows together with the maid and wants to leave too.

"Not you" Tae's voice out, Tee gulps his saliva and turns to look at Tae briefly.

All he thinks right now is what to eat as his last meal, he heard they will be given their last wished food because they lose their head.

"Sit down" orders Tae while sitting on the chair. Tee choose the floor to sit.

"On the chair" grunts Tae getting impatient with Tee's act.

Tee carefully sits on the chair in front of the king, it feels awkward because he is just an ordinary person, how can he sits on the same table with royal?

"I'm no going to kill you, if you wonder about that" Tae looks Tee flinch at his words. Seems like Tee is thinking that he might die today.

"My majesty, did I make any mistake?" ask Tee nervous, he is considered as a brave one for asking like that, Tae is a bit amuse, Tee is scared and brave at the same time.

"Seems like you don't know much about ethics in palace" comments Tae, he obviously can detect that Tee never learn properly on how to serve the royal.

Tee feels his sweat forming on his forehead, that's true, he never learns and focus on lessons. He never consider to be a concubine, not ever want to serve the king.

"I want to ask something" the cold voices make Tee shivers. Did his act exposed? The worst is, Tae want Tee to serve him on bed?!

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