Part 44

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-Mistakes everywhere, not edited-

Who said Tee wins the argument?

This time Tae is the winner, Tee accept to get married to Tae first before he further his study, Tae doesn't know the story behind the agreement, why Tee suddenly agree to marry him sooner.

"I've never seen you this happy phi" Copter chuckles watching how cheerful his brother is at the moment.

"am I that obvious?" ask Tae to Copter, trying to hide his smile but can't.

"Phi, your face lit up like a moon. So bright, even Ten not this bright" comments Copter.

It's weird for him to see Tae like this but he is happy too, his brother and his nephew are happy.

"I'm happy Copter, really happy"

"I know, I can see it and I'm happy for you too."

"Thank you" Tae pats Copter's shoulder and walk away to continue planning his wedding.

The wedding will be super grand because it is announce to the whole country and everyone are invited. It is a festival, not just a wedding.

Tee wants it small but Tae reject the idea, he wants the whole country knows who is their queen. He wants everyone to respect and love his Queen.

"Copter!!" whines Tee when he see Copter. Tee is running to him, he is sure Tee wants to report about his brother.

"Phi Tae force me to join his meeting with his important men. I don't want it, it will be boring!" whines Tee to Copter.

Tae wants to introduce Tee to the ministers and at the same time show Tee how his work.

It is true that a queen doesn't need to involve in ruling the country, being by the King's side is enough. But Tee is a man and Tae wants Tee to rule along together with him.

Copter laughs but he understands Tee, Tee is not a royal and living a life that full of etiquette is tiring to normal people like him.

"Sit down first Phi Tee" Copter makes Tee sits on the bench with him.

"I don't want to go with him"

"I understand. Phi Tae just want to introduce you to them properly." consoles Copter.

"but I..."

"Listen first phi" Tee becomes quiet when Copter say that.

"Phi Rose, Phi Tae's old wife also face the same thing with you. Phi Tae wants to introduce you to them properly because he wants them to respect you same like how they respect him. Your story and Phi Rose are different Tee, she is a woman and she doesn't interested in ruling a country, she gives herself to the king only. But you Tee, a man. Phi Tae thinks of you same as him, he wants to rule together, it's true that you will be a queen but at the same time you are a king too." Copter softly explains why his brother do this.

Copter realise the way Tae loves Rose and Tee are different and he can't deny that Tae loves Tae more than Rose. Rose is Tae's first love and they fall in love at the first sight but Tee is different.

Tae needs time to develop a feeling to Tee, Tae feels jealousy inside him for the first time ever, he never face it before. He courts Tee and chase after Tee. The whole things are new to Tae.

Tee is a precious man to Tae and everyone know the only man can capture Tae's heart is Tee. Only Tee deserves to has The King's Love.

Tee sighs and look at Copter, he is thinking about this matter deeply, it is true, his life will be totally different when he marry Tae. From a normal people to someone important in the country, the partner of the one rule this country.

"Phi Tae wants to rule this country with you, doesn't mean he wants to ask you to do what he does, he just want to has you along with him. A person he can ask about opinion and shares thought about the country"

"The most important are, he wants a partner for himself phi. A mother for his son too. You are special Phi Tee and I'm glad fate bring you here"

Copter really knows how to play with words because Tee accept everything with open heart and Tee feels ready to become a queen.

"Thank you Copter" Tee hugs Copter tightly, he feels better and his heart feels lighter. He is glad that he has someone to talk about this matter. Copter is really helpful.

"thank you too phi, for being here and accept my phi and my nephew" Copter really grateful that Tee brings new life to Tae's life.

They spend some more time sharing their feelings before it's time for Tee to try his wedding gown.

A lot of people try to show their clothes for Tee to choose. Tee already has a headache with how much piece of clothes in front of him. He will has a nightmare about this clothes at night.

"I don't think I can choose. Just pick any Copter" decides Tee, it is so hard for him to choose because he never face this problem before. He rarely has money to buy clothes this expensive and beautiful.

"I will choose and match it so that you can find a suitable one for you" Copter is a creative man and he has taste in art.

Copter put pieces of cloth together and match it up so that it will look like a complete gown.

"This one!" one of the match catch up Tee's eyes, it is really beautiful and perfect for Tee.

Tee likes pale colours and less pattern. It is indeed beautiful but simple, Copter agrees that when the gown finished, it will fit Tee perfectly.

"Should we show it to Phi Tae?" ask Tee to Copter.

"we can't do that phi! That is a bad omen to show the gown before the day of the wedding" Copter objects it hard. Tee frowns, so many rules.

"Fine. I like this one, it's beautiful. You are smart Copter" praise Tee smiling, at least one of his task done today. He still has a lot to do to marry a king, a week is barely enough.

"My queen, King Tae is waiting for you outside" informs Prin, Prin become Tee's maid in the palace.

"just call me Tee, Prin!" huffs Tee, Prin is his friend.


"Please. I will cut your pay if you call me that way again" Tee cross his hands warning.

Copter just laughs at Tee's attempt to be angry. Prin smiles and nods her head, if Tee said so.

"I'm leaving first. Thank you for your help Copter, Prin" Tee leaves the room.

Tae is waiting for him at the outside. Tee walks to Tae and take Tae's offered hand. They walk together to meet the ministers, hand in hand.

"How is your day?" ask Tae softly.

"Bad then good" answer Tee with a grin

"Huh? Why it's bad?" now Tae worry.

"because you want me to meet your men but Copter explain everything to me and I accept it, so it turn out good"

Tae looks at Tee suspiciously, Tee just give Tae a smile.

"I'm jealous of my brother" sulks Tae makes Tee laugh heartily.

"I love you" said Tee and it returns Tae smile back.

Tee is really the only one who can get The King's Love.

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