Part 9

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-Mistakes everywhere, not edited-

Other concubines are bad mouthing Tee, saying Tee did that to gain attention from the king. Now, The King focus more on Tee and likes to have Tee as companion too.

Others are jealous because Tee get to be close to the king when Tee doesn't even try anything, they work so hard to gain The King's attention.

"woman like you are cheap!" the rude words come to Tee like usual but he ignores it, he never keep it inside because the one who is rude are them.

"her outfit is really ugly, The King must be embarrassed when she walk beside him"

Tee sighs, he really can't understand why they keep doing it when he never respond to them. He never ask the attention he get from the king, he even want to avoid it, scared his act will blow up

"She is the most beautiful one here, you guys are just jealous" Kim can't stand the insult anymore.

"Kim, let them be" Tee stops Kim from saying more, Kim will be in trouble if they report Kim's attitude, it is consider rude to talk back to the concubines.

"how dare you say that! You are just a lower guard!"

Kim want to retort back but Tee stop him. He really didn't want any problem happened to them. They tend to add some untrue story to spice up things. Getting punished because of their slander is really not worth their time.

"I'm sorry for his inappropriate behaviour. He is the new guard in here, he is not use to the situation yet" Tee humbly talk, he doesn't has any sincerity at all, there is no use to talk politely to them who never respect people.

"You should teach him better! I'm sure he will listen to you, you give your body to him too" there is a smirk clearly on the Lady's lips. Tee scoffs silently.

Kim in rage again, he wants to shoot back but Tee shakes his head disagree with Kim's action. They just want to provoke Kim, so that it will cause trouble and attract attention.

"I will teach him better. Excuse us please" Tee drags Kim and Prin to go with him.

Prin and Kim both are fuming with anger because people insulting Tee face to face. Tee just grins looking at them for being like that on his behalf, he has good friends here.

"enough with it, now is my time to play with the prince" Tee sighs, being the prince's friend is really tiring because he needs to be energetic too.

Tee doesn't follow what the prince want to do much but he is never tired, Tee really wants to take a good nap sometime but it never happen.

"Phi Tee!" here comes the troublemaker. Tee sighs again.

Kim and Prin enjoy having Ten with them, the prince is smart and cute.

"Ten, today we will read book. Okay?" Tee wants to sit and lazy around in the library today, it's so hot outside in this summer.

"Okay! Flowers?" ask Ten excited. Tee nods his head and walk to the library.

Ten runs after him and take his hand, he holds it tight. Tee want to shake it off but he let it be, the prince look really excited.

After they reach the library, Tee choose two books and put it on the table. Kim is guarding the door, sometimes Kim take his work too serious. Prin also going to kitchen to get some tea and foods to eat while reading.

Ten runs and sits on Tee's lap, getting ready to read the book.

"can you not sit here?" ask Tee irritated, it's so hot today and the prince want to stay close with him, he will be on fire soon.

"can't I?" with that droopy eyes, Tee can't say no. He Hates himself for becoming soft to the prince since the king orders him to play with Ten thrice a week. It's been three months they doing this activity.

"Suit yourself" Tee gives up for chasing the prince away.

Tee starts reading, like usual, monotonous, Ten still get excited hearing Tee's stories.

They keep reading and eating, Tee really amaze with Ten's memory, Ten can remember what he told fast. He is really smart for his age.

"Phi Tee" calls Ten sadly, Tee recognise that voice fast, something is wrong with Ten. What happened?

"Ten fat like this flower?" ask Ten sadly.

"No. You are not fat." Tee answer seriously. What makes the kid think he is fat? He is cute and not fat at all, he is healthy, it's important.

"Ten can not eat many. Phi Ran angry. Ten likes chicken but need eat fish. No want fish more" Ten starts sobbing and he hugs Tee tight.

Tee frowns hard, what the heck happened?! Eating fish, everyday?

"everyday?" ask Tee and Ten gives a short nod.

"The king know?" ask Tee more, maybe the king told the caretaker to prepare it, for Ten's health.

"King? Father?" ask Ten a bit confuse, he wipes his face with his small hand. Tee thinks Ten is a bit cute at the moment.

"Yes, who else?"

"No know. Phi Ran angry tell father. Can't eat candy anymore" Ten starts crying again.

Tee rubs the prince's back a few times before calling for Prin to take care of Ten. He needs to talk to someone right now, his blood is boiling too.

"Where are you going?" Kim stops Tee that rushing to go somewhere.

"Lady Ran" answer Tee still angry.

"Huh? Who?" ask Kim stupidly, he really has no idea who is Lady Ran. He really doesn't care much about other's names.

"Ten's caretaker. Hurry!" Tee grabs Kim's collar to go with him.

The king saw the situation, he feels weird because Tee suppose to be with his son at this moment, his orders too. For him Tee is trying to slack off with his guard. He really doesn't like their relationship much, they are too close.

The king follows both of them. He needs to know what's going on first before asking what happened from Tee. He can't accuse Tee without any proof.

The king frowns when they are at the caretaker's chamber, the building with four rooms. There are a hut (pangkin) there, a group of ladies there. The caretakers and few maids that especially to take care of the prince.

The king can't hear what they are talking about but they are arguing about something. Tee is talking non stop and keep showing his fingers to their face, a rude behaviour actually.

"I don't care!" Tee raise his voice and the king can hear it clearly, including a 'pang' echoes around the area.

Tee was slapped hard on the face by Lady Ran. She actually can punish Tee because her rank in the palace is higher than Tee.

The king knows something is wrong, Tee must have done something he shouldn't do, The king feels anger rising in him.

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