Part 28

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-Mistakes everywhere, not edited-

Tee avoids Tae at all cost in the school and he successfully making Tae stressed with his doing. Today Tae make sure Tee can't run away from him because he join the morning training with the scholars, today is his last day here too.

"Hold your sword properly, use the strength of your wrist" Tae correct Tee's way of holding the sword.

Tee grumbles but obey it with a bow, it is an honour to be taught by the king itself. Tee is not happy at all tho.

"You can't run away from me Tee" Tae whispers on Tee's ears making Tee's hair raise and shivers.

Tae smirks because he knows Tee is affected by his doing. Tee gulps and turn away from Tae so that he can keep a safe distance between them

"This way" Tae helps Tee thrust the sword forward and backwards, Tee just let his hand controlled by Tae.

"I don't like your attitude Tee" Tae starts to fume when he didn't get a good reflect from Tee. Tee is challenging his patience.

Tae let go of Tee's hand and leave Tee there, he is really angry with Tee and himself. He can't understand why he is doing this while he is really sure that no one can change his heart.


"Tee!!!" Gio yells when he saw Tee bumps into someone and the sword thrust to Tee's waist. It is bleeding!


Tae turns fast and runs to Tee's side kneeling beside Tee's body. Without wasting any second, Tae lifts Tee and rush to see a healer, the incident make people surprised but proud that their king is willing to help his people directly.

Tae stays the whole time the healer bandage Tee's wound, thankfully the wound is not deep and not serious.

"Scholar Tee is fine sire, don't worry much" The healer explains to Tae but Tae insist to stay at Tee side even though he already know the situation.

Gio, Xen and Luk come to the infirmary to know about Tee's condition. They bow to the king before getting answer from the healer.

"Tee is fine, I'm really worried" Luk tell his friends, Tae still remember Luk face and he doesn't like it much, Tee is close with this three men.

"Thank you so much sire for bringing Tee here. He is always clumsy but never once he got hurt" Gio thanks Tae for their behalf.

Tae nods his head once before he leaves, he can't wait there with them, people will start talking about it later. He doesn't want Tee to feel uncomfortable while study here. He makes Tee uncomfortable enough.

Tae decided to leave the school too, he thought it will be the best for Tee. For the time being. He needs to clear his head and think about all of this thoroughly.

Why he pays so much attention to Tee?

Why he hates others come close to Tee?

Why he wants Tee close to his side?

Why he can't let Tee go?

Why he needs to make Tee as his?

All the questions need the answer now, he needs time to think about the possible and right answer for those questions that had been swimming in his head all this time.


Tee is resting at general's house because the principal advices Tee to take some break for healing time. He can see when his students are in trouble because Tee is not his usual self lately.

Han accompanies Tee in the room all the time, he is worried about Tee. Lily is nicer to Tee now because she realised that she can't make people to like her, she become more mature  after knowing a man that is good enough for her.

"Phi" Tee calls Han when he is awake, he can see Han is working in his room again. He told Han a few times that he is okay and do not need extra care because of his wound but Han is not letting he to be alone.

His wound getting better day by day, it may take time for the scar to disappear but other than that he is okay.

"Tee, may I ask you something?" Han looks at Tee, Tee nods his head and wait what is the question Han has for him.

"Do you know the king personally?" the question has been bugging Han for a long time, since he visit the palace to work. He can detect the king is trying to hide something whenever his son ask questions.

"No!" answer Tee fast.


"Yes! I'm just a commoner phi, how I can know The King personally" Tee try to find the best excuse, Han is smart and it will not be easy to lie to Han.

"The Prince seems to know you very well" Tee's heart is beating so hard making his head become hot, he is warming very fast.

"I work in the palace before, that's why I know the prince, not the king" Tee hopes their conversation will end here, he can't make another fake story fast in this situation.

Han nods his head, he does believes Tee, no doubt about that, he is just curious and wanting to know the truth.

"The King come here once and he talk about you with father. I thought you know him"

It was the time when Tae come alone to meet their father. Tee frowns, he never heard about this, his father didn't tell him anything about this.

"Why? Why the king came here?" ask Tee curios

"I'm not sure, I overheard they are talking about you. I don't dare to sneak around and leave after listen that"

Tee thinks hard why the king was here, his brain works hard and connect every dot before he runs from his room, ignoring his wounded body. Han follows him, calling Tee from behind.

"Father!" Tee breathes hard when he found his father with his mother having their tea together.

"Leave us" orders General Lee making Han and his mother leave.

Tee sits in front of his father and look into his father's eyes sternly. He has a hunch about something but he wants to hear it directly from his father's mouth.

"Why the king came here?" ask Tee directly. General sighs and hold Tee's shoulder.

"He knows everything, right?" guess Tee.

With a short nod from general makes Tee weak whole body. The king knows for so long already, that's why he doesn't even shocked when Tee tell him the truth.

"How?" ask Tee can't understand how and why the king didn't take any action.

"He found your name through your teacher in school, he looked out your village and met your step father. He told everything to The King, the king came here to know the truth" explains General Lee slowly hoping Tee to calm down listening to this.

"why he act like he didn't know and why he didn't punish me?"

"I beg him to let you go, he promised to let you go as long as I'm not telling you about he knows the truth. He also said that I can't let you marry to anyone that you belong..."

"to him" Tee cut his father's words. It's the same thing Tae told him. He belong to Tae now.

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