Part 41

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-Mistakes everywhere, not edited-

Tee is being treated by the healer, Tae never leaves Tee's side since they reach the palace. Tee's body is weak and still not conscious since he was brought here.

"what happened sire?" ask Kim when Tae leaves the room so that the healer can do his job.

"I'm not sure yet" answer Tae looks tired. He hadn't get enough sleep since the day Tee went missing

All of them wait for the healer to come out and tell them what happened to Tee.

"sire" greets the healer with his head bows down.

"what happened?" ask Tae scared.

"Queen Tee was given bad herbs that makes his body weak. It will take time to recover and he will has some effect for the time being. He will shivers and has fevers if he doesn't get the bad herbs, it's like a drug. I prepared all the medicines to clean his blood and body, it will take at least two weak for him to be fully recovered"

Tae falls on the chair hearing the news, Kim leans his head to the wall. Copter grips Tae's hand to give strength. Everyone is shocked with what happened to Tee.

"Sire, General Lee and his family are here" inform one of his guard.

"thank you Healer Lim, keep observing him. I will talk to the general"

Tae leaves with Copter, Kim insist to stay and look after Tee. Kim cries when everyone leave him alone with Tee. He holds it for so long, he wants to hit himself because he can't take care of Tee.

"I'm sorry aunty, I'm sorry Tee" Kim takes Tee's hand in him.

"He is strong Guard Kim. The person who did this to him will pay" said the healer and Kim nods his head agree. He wipes his tears and caress Tee's face, Tee is really thin now.


Tae explains everything to the general and his family. Everyone is angry with what happened to Tee and hope the criminals receive the punishment they deserve.

"Can we see him?" ask General Lee.

"Of course, but don't disturb him for long. Healer Lim said he needs a lot of rest. I will tell my maid to prepare your Chambers. You can stay here as long as you want"

Tae leaves them to be handled by his maid, he wants to take a warm bath and maybe some rest with his son. Tee needs to rest too.

"Sire!!!" Gio comes running to him, he is small but fast, Gio already in front of Tae to knows what happened to Tee.

"Tee is here now. Please talk to my brother for more information. I will meet all of you later at dinner" Tae leaves them too.

Copter brings Tee's friends to the room where Tee is getting treatment. He also explained what happened to Tee.

Tae takes a warm bath and soak his body in it for as long as he can. He still regret and blaming himself for what happened to Tee. It's too harsh and evil for Tee to face it.

"Father" a small voice call him, he knows Ten is the one who is calling for him.

"Father, don't sad. Mother is fine now, he is here with us. Everyone loves mother. He will be healthy to play again" Ten consoles his father.

Tae smiles for the first time today, he told his son to come near him. Ten told him don't be sad but Ten is crying too.

"take off your clothes and take warm bath with me"

Ten happily obligates, he takes off his clothes and get inside the wooden tub. Ten looks at Tae and he wipes Tae's face softly, he knows his father is sad, everyone is sad.

"Father, Ten will be strong and protect mother. Don't worry" consoles Ten.

Tae smiles and hugs his son tight, Ten is really helpful to release his stress. All the most important thing is, Tee is here with him now.

They finish their bath and go to the dinner, everyone already waiting on their chair. The environment is quiet and gloomy, Tae knows everyone is worried about Tee too.

"Let's eat" said Tae when he sits on his chair, everyone bows their head and start picking the chopsticks after Tae hold it.

"please enjoy the food. Thank you for being here for Tee. I know we can't do much but I'm sure Tee will be happy that everyone he cares is here with him" said Tae more. Everyone nods their head agree with it.

The dinner start to get better, everyone is eating including Tae. He needs to eat and regain his strength back if he wants to take care of Tee.

After dinner Tae orders everyone to go to thier room and get some rest, he and Ten go to Tee's room.

Tee is still lying there weakly, his body is hot and sweaty all the time because of the effect of the drug given to him. Tee is in pain even in his sleep.

Ten slowly fall asleep in Tae's hand, Tae put Ten on another bed that he asked his maid to put. He wants to stay close to Tee.

"ugh" Tee groans in pain, Tae runs to Tee's side.

He wipes the sweats and wait patiently for Tee to regain consciousness.

"Phi Tae" calls Tee weakly.

Tae smiles and leans to kiss Tee's forehead. Tee closes his eyes tight hoping when he open it again, he is not in a dream. It is too painful if he is in a dream.

"I hope this is not a dream" mutters Tee. Tae touches Tee's cheek and caress it softly, so soft like he is touching something very fragile.

"of course not. I'm here Tee. Everyone is here for you"

"Hug me phi, please" pleads Tee.

Tae without wasting any time get into the bed and hold Tee into his embrace, he can feel Tee is shivering, must be the effect of the drug.

"it's warm and I like it" mutters Tee more, he sound tired and ready to fall asleep again.

Tae hums a soft melody to help Tee calm and go to sleep. He needs a lot of rest and sleep to recover his weak body.

"I love you, I love you" confess Tae again and again, Tee smiles hearing it, he miss to hear that.

They spend the night embracing each other, the night is the witness of how much their love grows now. It is so deep that they will drown if they don't have each other.

Tae promised, whoever touch and torture Tee will pay the punishment they deserve.

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