Part 3

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-Mistakes everywhere, not edited-

To say the rumoured king is the most handsome and gorgeous man on their Kingdom are not exaggerating, Tee agrees with it too. How he hopes he has that manly features too.

All the girls except him are basically drooling in their mind. The king's presence is really make impact to all people in the palace. He just sitting there in his throne but his power erupt around the hall.

"Thank you for being here, I'm not going to force you to do what you want. You can be my Concubine or my maid as you choose." The King's voice booms clearly around the hall.

"I don't need a substitute to my late queen, I don't need a Concubine to fill my need. Your job will be accompany me to another kingdom, entertain my guest. I don't mind how much you want to entertain my guest just make sure they didn't force you to do anything." The king nods his head when he looks around, seems like everyone can understand what he means.

"Follow all the rules in here. Never do anything bad to my son, I will never forgive anyone that hurt my son" The king look serious and cold when saying this. He lose his wife, he is not going to lose his son too.

"If you want to be my Concubine, stay on right side, if you want to be my maid, choose left side. Move!" orders the king.

Everyone starts to move, surprisingly it is almost balance. 10 maids and 9 Concubines. Except for one left, it's Tee. Tee stands in the middle making the people in the hall worried for him. Tee is fighting the king's order.

The king look at Tee with a frown, he thought he tell everything clearly.

"Why you aren't moving?" ask the king directly to Tee.

Tee bows his head lightly. He has something to say but don't know how to make it sounds less rude.

"uhm, I..."

"Please tell me clearly" demands the king serious.

Tee gulps his saliva and decides to answer what is playing in his mind.

"I don't know what to choose" answer Tee with a frowns, he really can't decide which one is better for him now.

If he decides to be a maid, his time will full with doing a lot of chores that will make him get no time to learn about medical. If he decides to be a Concubine, he needs to entertain King's guest. He is a man for God sake!

"You think I will wait for your answer?" ask the king directly into Tee's eyes.

Tee looks down on the floor, he doesn't know much ethic in the palace but he knows that if you stare directly into King's eyes it's like you are challenging the king.

Tee answer the question with a short shakes of his head.

"You will be my Concubine!" decides The king and leave the room.

Tee blinks repeatedly, his eyes still on the floor. The king decided his work in the palace.

"What are you doing Tee?" Prin ask Tee for his weird behaviour. Tee shakes his head doesn't know why.

"you can choose a maid for yourself. I will show the room for King's concubines first" said the people in charge of them.

Tee of course choose Prin, they are already friends, it will be easy for both of them.

Tee gets a room that a bit far from other place because nine others already choose theirs. Tee doesn't care much because he can get more privacy there.

So many stuff prepared for him in there, clothes and other things too.

"Prin, you will stay in my room?" ask Tee to Prin. He wants Prin to stay together with him so that he will have friend to talk.

"No Tee. I have my own room. I will come every morning to prepare your clothes"

"No. Don't have to. I can do it myself. These clothes, I don't like it at all" complaints Tee when he looks at the pattern on it. It full of flowers and too feminine for him.

"What are you talking about Tee? This is really beautiful!"

"You can have it" offers Tee simply, like he owns the clothes.

Prin shakes his head disagree. She has her own outfits to wear. She doesn't needs the clothes too.

"Sir Lan said I can choose my own clothes. I will look at it tomorrow." said Tee while adjusting himself in the the room.

The room is better than the one he has in his house, it is not really bad or anything but here is almost like a paradise.

"What should we do today Tee?" ask Prin, she doesn't know what to do either.

Tee looks around, even he doesn't know what he has to do. His work is only needed when the king need them.

"Let's look around." ask Tee and Prin accept it fast. She is excited to look around the palace, it is really beautiful.

They take a walk around, looking at different buildings with awe. They keep walking until a voice stop both of them.

"where chu goin?" ask a boy that barely can speak clearly.

Tee stare down to the kid, from the features he can guest that the kid is the king's son, the prince inside this palace.

"walk around" answer Tee lazily, he never really like kids before.

"you father new maid?" ask the boy more seems interested with new people in the palace. He rarely meet new people because his father limiting his social life.

"Yes" answer Tee short, he wants to leave when the boy grip his gown. Tee frowns dislike the way the prince treat him.

"play with me?" pleads the boy, Prin already excited to entertain the cute boy. Tee sighs, he will just sit on the bench and let Prin to play with the prince.

"You play with her. I will sit there" Tee makes his move to the chair.

Prin and the prince start to play ball. The prince looks so happy to be able to play with someone.

The ball sometimes roll to Tee's feet, Tee kicks it away to the prince and they keep playing for a few hours before all of them decides to leave.

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