Part 46

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-Mistakes everywhere, not edited-

Tae chases after Tee and he able to catch Tee's arm when they are in the middle of the red path. People watching them like some stage opera and they are curious what actually happened.

"Tee, my love" calls Tae tenderly, he loosen his grip on Tee's arm and walk to Tee closer. Tee turns his body because he doesn't want to hear what Tae want to tell him.

"Am I ugly?" asks Tee, he feels insecure about his look, maybe he is not beautiful or good enough to stand at Tae's side.

Tae takes Tee's hand in his, he shakes his head to answer Tee's question. Tee never seen ugly in Tae's eyes. All of this are misunderstanding.

"You are beautiful, so beautiful that I don't want others to see it" explains Tae softly, he wants to see Tee's face but at the same time he doesn't want people to see Tee's face right now.

"Don't be silly phi, I'm the same Tee" Tee pushes away Tae's hand that holding him, he can't believe what Tae said, it has so much exaggeration to be the truth.

"Tee, please trust me. I'm sorry for acting like that just now. I'm telling the truth" comforts Tae and try to touch Tee again.

Tee pouts, not like Tae can see it but he let Tae touch him this time.

"I will uncover your veil" Tae holds the veil and slowly raise it up on top of Tee's head.

People who are watching stares at Tee's face, their Queen is indeed a beauty. Everyone smiles watching how their king become soft to his Queen.

"This is my queen, my equal and my love. Please love and respect him like how you love and respect me" Tae tells his people around his.

The people bows their head and start to congratulate them. They walk slowly to the end of the path to greet and at the same time introduce Tee to everyone. Tee just smiles, it is awkward for him to be treated with so much respect.

Tee hugs Tae's arm all the time they walk. Tee sometimes wave to the kids that wave to him. He is happy and he never thought that this is his story and wedding. It is too good to be true.

The ceremony take a long time and Tee is tired that he can't even stand properly anymore. Tae supports Tee to walk to their room after a long day.

It is the third time Tee enter the bedroom. He looks around it and sit on the chair, Tae rushes to get Tee a comfortable bench so that Tee can put his leg.

Tee looks around the room, he saw so much things belong to the late queen. It is stupid of him and he thinks he is stupid too, for being jealous of the late queen. A portrait of their wedding and the late Queen on the wall.

On the table full of women's accessories, it belongs to the late queen. Tee averts his eyes from looking at it, the things still in good condition even though after a long time, Tae keep the things very well.

"I will massage your feet" said Tae and he is ready in front of Tee.

Tee takes his feet away and shakes his head no. He doesn't want to do anything else except a bath and a good sleep.

Tae looks at Tee, he thinks Tee looks sad suddenly. He is worried that Tee is not feeling well.

"I want to take a warm bath" said Tee and he get up to the bathroom. Tae follows Tee, maybe Tee needs his help. The warm bath already prepared by their maid.

Tee frowns when he can see a lot of soaps and fragrance, it is not belong to Tae's.

"Phi Tae, can you call Prin for me?" ask Tee. Tae is confuse but he does what Tee ask from him.

After a while Prin enter their room and go to Tee's side. Tee glances to Tae as a signal for Tae to leave and Tae doesn't has any choice but to leave the room

"Can you take my soap I usually use. I don't like this fragrance and the flower in it. Can you change the water?" ask Tee, he never orders anyone before but he really can't, for him it seems like Tae is treating him like Rose.

"of course I can do it" Prin smiles to Tee, he understands why Tee ask her to do that. When Prin wants to leave Tee stops her.

"I will just take a bath in my room" decides Tee, it will bring trouble to change the water and the soap. It will be faster if he take one in his room.

"Come on" Tee pulls Prin's hand to go with him. Tae is waiting outside the room.

"Phi, I will bath in my room, you bath here. I will come back when I'm done" Tee smiles a bit and rush to leave the place. Tae can't even say anything yet because Tee already leave him alone.

Tee takes time to get ready to go back to the room, he feels his steps become heavier when the room become closer. He can't call that room as his because it belongs to Tae and his late wife.

Tee smiles to the maids who are watching him walking slowly to the room. They must feel weird why the king and the queen didn't use the same bedroom.

Tee fasten his steps when he see Tae is waiting for him in front of the door. He smiles when Tae looks at him and hugs Tae's waist. He doesn't want Tae to see or detect his uncomfort.

"Why you bath in other room?" ask Tae, he really wants to know why Tee did it.

Tee sighs, seems like he will not get away easily tonight

"Because I'm shy, it's new to me, I don't feel comfortable yet" response Tee with cute eyes.

Tae trusts it and chuckles. He knows how shy Tee is before, so he understands why Tee did that now. Not that he knows the real reason Tee did it.

"Come inside, it's cold out here" Tae pulls Tee's hand to enter the room.

Tee follows with heavy heart, he looks at the decorated bed, full of red petals, it smells so nice too. Tee hides his true feelings and go directly to bed.

Tae prepares drink for both of them, it is a culture for newlywed to drink a glass of alcohol for their first night. It's not just alcohol but also has herbs for their strength.

Tee doesn't know the culture and he is not fond of alcohol much. He takes a sip because Tae offer a glass for him. It is strong and Tee hates the bitterness of the drink.

"I'm tired phi, let's sleep" Tee puts his glass and go to the bed. He takes a side and lays his body.

He doesn't wait for Tae and just cover himself before close his eyes. He is tired, mentally and physically.

Tae only can watch Tee doing everything. He tidies the glass and get ready to sleep too, their first night end up with just sleeping.

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