Chapter 23

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Update ayye. I'm really trying to get this finished quickly cause I have lots of ideas that I want to start (which isn't easy when your brother is always taking the computer and you have shitty updating skills). But yeah, update time :)

~Victoria .-.


Kellin's POV

The next day, I wake up to fingers poking me everywhere and hot breaths of air on my face. Feeling utterly confused and groggy, I open my eyes to three faces staring down at me. They all let out sighs of relief yet still continue to stare at me, their faces a mere five inches from my own.

"Hey Kelly. How ya doing?" Mike says, staring at me with intent.

"I'd be doing better if all three of you weren't so awkwardly close to me." Upon hearing this Jaime, Tony and Mike all back away and sit down on the floor surrounding me. Raising an eyebrow at their extremely odd behavior, I eventually sit up and stare at them all patiently sitting cross-legged as they continue to stare at me with odd smiles.

"Now that you're up, how ya doing?" Jaime smiles, a creepy vibe surrounding him.

"I'm great, just great. Uhm, can I ask you guys a question?"

"Go ahead." Tony smiles, looking even creepier than Jaime.

"Uhm, what is up with you three? You guys are acting like you're all possessed and shit."

"Oh sorry. We didn't mean to creep you out or anything. It's just, we got on the bus and saw you sleeping on the couch and so we decided to wake you up to ask how your conversation with Vic went. Has anyone ever told you that you are a very heavy sleeper?" Mike explains, the creepy vibe quickly diminishing.

"I used to tell him that all the time." We turn around to see a fully dressed Vic, standing and watching us intently.

"Mmm, that's nice. So, how did your conversation go last night?" Mike asks again as Vic comes and sits next to me.

"It was great. We're somewhat friends again." I say, smiling slightly.

"Yeah. Friends." Vic whispers, forcing a smile. I wonder what's wrong with him?

"Would you guys excuse me? I'm gonna go outside and get some fresh air." We tell him to go ahead and watch as he leaves the bus, closing the door softly behind him.

Mike sighs, obviously understanding something we don't, before standing up.

"I'm gonna go talk to him. Continue talking amongst yourselves or whatever." We nod and he walks off the bus, leaving us in silence.

An awkward silence ensues and shortly after, Tony excuses himself to go and sleep for a bit. Jaime follows soon after but before he does, he turns to me.

"Hey, no hard feelings? I mean, I know Vic and I did what we did but are we still okay? Ya know, as friends?" he mumbles, twidling his thumbs.

"Yeah man, we're cool." He nods before following Tony to their bunk to sleep.

I am again left in the silence of the bus and I soon decide to just leave the bus to go to my own. Exiting the bus, I look around for any sign of the Fuentes'. Seeing neither Vic nor Mike, I continue walking.


Vic's POV

"We're somewhat friends again."

The bitter phrase continues to swim around in my mind as I leave the bus and walk away from it, sticking my hands in my jeans pockets and staring down at the ground. Of course he only thinks of us as just "somewhat friends". I mean, why in the world would he ever think of us as anything more? He's just being nice and apologizing because he pities me.

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