Chapter 5

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Hey guys, guess who's back? That's right, it's me. I just got my new glasses today so now I can see what I'm doing. You know what that means? 2 new chapters today. I love you all and happy reading :)

~Victoria .-.


Vic's POV

After our lunch date (no, not a date Vic. Just lunch.) I drop Kellin off at his bus before heading to my own bus.

Hopping up the bus steps, I head to the bunks and flop down onto my stomach, groaning into my pillow. Ugh, why must Kells have to tease me with his perfection?

"Hey bro. You in here?" I groan into my pillow again and not long after my curtain is pulled back.

"What's wrong Mr. Grumpy?" Mike whispers, poking my side.

"Guess." I grumble.

"Let me guess. Kellin?" he correctly replies. Yeah, he knows about Kellin. I tell my brother everything.

"I would applaud you for guessing correctly but I'm not in the mood." I state, flopping over onto my back to look at Mike who's kneeling down on the ground, peeking his head in.

"But why? I should always get applauds." he pouts, trying to pull on the 'cute little brother' act.

"Fine." I roll my eyes, clapping my hands together sarcasticly.

"Well that was depressing. So, what's up with Kellbell now?" Mike questions, poking me again. Ugh, why must everyone poke me?

"I don't know what to do. I just, I like him too much and he's straight and ugh feelings!" I groan, putting my hands over my face.

"Well, how do you know if he's straight or not?" Mike points out. I just roll my eyes again.

"I don't know. Because a wife and child seem to be pretty dead giveaways." I explain, slightly annoyed.

"Ex-wife." Mike points out again.

"That doesn't mean anything. He just didn't feel the same about her. Like, there was no more spark." I continue to explain.

"Or, he could've been using Katelynne to see if he was gay or not OR he could've been using Katelynne to hide the fact that he might be gay. Those things could happen, you know." Well, he's got a point.

"You have a valid point oh young one." I poke him and he laughs.

"If he is gay, I wouldn't be surprised. He's too feminine to be straight."

"Hey, straight guys can be feminine, too!" I argue.

"Not likely." Mike laughs, swatting my hand away to stop my poke war on him.

"It is completely possible for a straight guy to be feminine." I continue.

"Oh yeah? Name one." Shit!

"Um, Ashley Purdy is straight and he's feminine as fuck." I point out.

"Are you sure about that? Him and Andy seem pretty close." he sings, being all weird.

"Yes I'm sure. Ashley has so many girls on that bus practically every night and Andy has Juliet Simms." I say, trying to finalize my argument.

"Unless they're doing the same thing that Kellbell could be doing." Stop being correct, Michael!

"Well, what should I tell Kells? 'Oh hey Kells. Are you gay?' Haha, hell no." I roll my eyes, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Sure, if you wanna be blunt about it." Shut up!

"You're not helping, Mike. Plus, if I ask him if he's gay or if I tell him that I'm gay and he ends up being a straight-up homophobe, how do you think that would end up?" I pressure, glaring at him.

For once during the conversation, he is enabled speechless. Once he's over his five second bout of speechlessness, he speaks.

"You'll never know until you try." he points out, shrugs, and eventually stands and walks away, leaving me the one enabled speechless.

He's got a good point, Vic.


So, this was really more of a filler but I believe all fillers are important. What do you guys think Vic should do? Come clean and tell Kellin or not tell him?

Song for this chapter: Hold on till may by Pierce The Veil ft. Lindsey Stamey

~Victoria .-.

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