Chapter 12

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I currently feel like such a horrible person right now. I haven't updated in a month and I left you guys at the worst time. It's just, I've been immensely busy with school and my tablet fucking up. I lost 700+ photos that were on that tablet. Just, ugh. I'm going to post at least 3 chapters today because of how shitty of a person I am.

~Victoria .-.


Jaime's POV (didn't see that coming, did ya?)

After sleeping off my hangover, I get out of bed and get dressed. Unlike Vic, who will probably wait a couple of weeks to tell Kellin what happened, I'm telling Tony what happened TODAY. Waiting just makes everything worse but Vic just doesn't understand that.

I should've never left Tony at that party last night. To be honest, Tony and I shouldn't have gone to the party at all. We should've stayed on the bus and watched Star Wars like we had first planned to do. Now he's probably gonna hate my guts. Tony can be a very fragile and quiet person but when something happens that makes him angry, he will blow up. And even though explaining something like this is extremely difficult, it could take away some anger. If only Vic knew that (A/N: This will be very important info later.)


Tony's POV *1 hour later*

"No no no no no no." I mutter over and over again.

That party was a horrible idea. Jaime and I should've never gone last night. We should've just stayed on the bus and cuddled all night. Now he's going to hate me forever. I can't stand it when people hate me. It gives me some serious anxiety. Why did I ever get drunk? Why did I ever agree to leave the bus with him? Why did I even go to the party?

Walking around all the busses, I try and spot Jaime. I need to find him and tell him what happened now. Something like this can never wait to be told. It has to be told as soon as possible. If not, things can get even worse than they already are.

After about an hour of walking around, I spot Jaime looking around. He spots me and frowns, a guilty feeling on his face. He runs over to me, looking even more guilty. There's a bit of an awkward silence before we finally talk.

"I need to tell you something." We both say at the same time, both of us with a guilty face.

"You go first." I say. He nods, looking as if he doesn't want to speak. Eventually, he does.

"Tony, I'm really really sorry. We should've never gone to that party or gotten separated at that party. After we were separated, I ended up drinking too much and I didn't know what was going on and I saw Vic and we were talking and then we were kissing and then we left the bus and I had no idea what I was doing and the next morning I had never felt more guilty than I had in my entire life. I'm sorry it ever happened and if you can find it in your heart, I need you to forgive me because I'll never forgive myself if you hate me." he blurts out, pushing his words out. When he's done, he buries his face in his hands, mumbling "sorry".

We're quiet for a moment before it hits me. I'm angry for a moment before I realize that being angry at him for cheating would make me a hypocrite. A really big one at that. Eventually, I speak.

"No Jaime, I'm sorry. You're not the only one who made a huge mistake. After we were separated, I got really drunk and Mike came over to me and in my drunk state, he looked really good-looking but not as good-looking as you and we left the bus and this morning, I felt horrible and just plain guilty and scared but I knew that I had to tell you today. If anyone is horribly sorry, it's me. We should've just stayed on our bus and cuddled." I blurt out, rambling like he had just before.

He looks up at me, processing what I had just said. "I'm sorry." We both say.

"I think it's safe to say that we both fucked up big time." Jaime states.

"Agreed. So, are we still good?" I cautiously ask.

"I don't know. I think a kiss is in order." he says, smirking at me.

I nod and we both lean in, kissing each other deeply.

"I love you, Tony." Jaime sighs, pulling away.

"I love you too, Jaime." I mumble, hugging him.


So, I saved Perrciado. I couldn't stand having two ships get hurt. But kellic won't be as happy. Which sucks but hey, I'm Satan. I never make happy things. But at least one ship is okay.

Song for this chapter: "Cemetery Drive" by My Chemical Romance

~Victoria .-.

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