Chapter 8

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Sorry for not updating last Sunday for the date chapter but I couldn't get on my computer so I'm really sorry for that. So, here's the date chapter and happy reading :)

~Victoria .-.


Vic's POV

"Mike, are we there yet?" I nervously ask, dragging my feet as I walk. We had been walking for nearly ten minutes and my nerves were going into overdrive.

"Ask me one more time and I'll mess up your hair." Mike threatens, turning his head to glare at me with a small smile on his face. He can't stay mad at me to save his life. I instantly shut up, though, as we continue walking. I am not getting my hair messed up. It took me nearly half an hour to perfect this.

After another five minutes or so of walking, Mike finally stops at a clearing. Across the clearing about a half mile away, I can see the busses parked. Oh no he did not.

"Mike, why are the busses over there?" I ask, pointing them out.

"I may or may not have taken a different route that may or may not have been a fifteen minute walking distance from the busses." he replies, sheepishly looking at me.

"Okay. Why did you do that?" I ask him, raising an eyebrow at him.

"Because we agreed that Kellbell would take the short way and we would take the long way because we didn't want you guys to see each other yet." Mike explains in a 'duh' tone. I nod before taking it all in.

In the middle of the clearing there sat a picnic blanket, spread out on the green grass, a small picnic basket sitting on top of it. A small tree stood near it, Christmas lights shining in the branches. A small park sat nearby, consisting of a swingset, a jungle gym, and a slide. Long story short, it was pretty simple.

"Go wait on the blanket. Kellbell will be here in a few minutes." he mutters as he stares down at his phone, ushering me to the spot on the grass. After I sit down, Mike walks off, leaving me sitting there, all alone in the quiet darkness. Having nothing to do, I just sit, picking at the blades of grass. After a few minutes, someone sits down next to me. Looking over, I see a shy-looking Kellin fiddling with his fingers.

"Hi." I whisper, scanning over his outfit. In my definition, he looks hot. Or, in other words, drop dead sexy. But you didn't hear that from me.

"Hi." he mutters, picking at blades of grass on the ground. "Please tell me you're as nervous as I am cause I'm nervous as fuck right now."

"Trust me when I say I'm nervouser than you." I answer truthfully, poking him at the word 'you'.

"Nervouser isn't even a word, Victor." Kellin laughs, poking my side. I make a very manly giggle even though you all know that it was girly as fuck.

"It is now." I say, flicking him in his cute little nose.

"Oh yeah. In what land?" he whispers, trailing his fingers down my sides knowing full well that that is where my ticklish spot is.

"In kellicland!" I blurt out, falling backwards on the grass. He gives me the famous 'bitch please' face and stares me down for a good ten seconds before we both start laughing our asses off, rolling around in the grass.

After a good three minutes of 'holding your stomach, can't breathe' laughing, our laughter eventually dies down to little giggles every few seconds. Yeah, we're obviously very manly.

"Can we eat now because my stomach is making the rumblies that only food can satisfy." I say, looking through the basket.

"I swear to God I thought you were gonna say hands." Kellin replies, helping me pull the food out.

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