Chapter 3

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Second chapter that I have so gratefully promised you. Enjoy my lovely music maniacs :3

~Victoria .-.


Vic's POV

When Kells said that he missed me too, I swear my heart about beat right out of my fucking chest.

He meant that as friends, right?

Of course he did. He's as straight as a pole where as I am as straight as scoliosis.

I figured out that I wasn't as straight as I had originally thought four years ago. When Mike asked if I had a crush on Kellin, I said no. The truth is, that was a complete and utter lie. At first, I thought it was the truth. I thought I was straight. But, looking back on it, I realized that I had never seen girls in that light. Sure I've had girls who were friends but that's all I ever thought of them as: friends. I've never even been turned on by good-looking girls before.

Ugh, this is so confusing. Why must I have these feelings?

After snapping from my thoughts, I noticed I had been thinking for a whole hour. Wow, time flies when you're contemplating your sexuality.

From all of this thinking, Kellin's face had somehow popped into my mind. That beautiful black hair. Those blue-green eyes. I wonder how those eyes would look as he came from my fucking him - oh hello there tightness in my pants, how are you today? Yeah, this happens a lot more than it should.


After fixing my little 'problem' during a shower, I step out, dress, and walk back to the 'living area'. The first thing I notice is Mike making a sandwich. Walking over to him, I poke his shoulder.

"Hey Mikey. How ya doin'?"

"I would be better if I didn't have this motherfucking hangover and if I hadn't have woken up to the sounds of my brother jacking off in the shower. Gross." he retorts, a little whine in his voice.

"Sorry Mikey. But, a guy's gotta do what a guy's gotta do." I simply state.

"You were thinking about Kellin again, weren't you lil' bro?" Mike says, his face full of sandwich.

"Okay, one, swallow before speaking. Two, no, I was not thinking about Kells. And three, I'm big bro to you." I count off on my fingers. Obviously, that second one was a lie.

"One, I'll eat how I want to. Two, you so obviously were. And three, not from my point of view." he says with another mouthfull of food, gargling his speech.

"I should so kick your ass." I sneer, giving him a playful glare.

"You can't even reach my ass." he laughs, transfering his sandwich to a paper plate.

"That's it." I growl, moving my hand to tickle his sides. He tries to swat at my hands to stop the tickle war but I just tickle harder. By now, we've moved to the middle of the 'living area' and I laugh as Mike stumbles backwards.

Taking my chance, I get on the ground and straddle him (Not like that. Get yo minds right). Using my knees to pin his arms to his sides, I continue to tickle the living daylights out of him.

"Tell me I'm the big bro." I glare, trailing my fingers up and down his sides.

"N-n-never." he stutters out of breath, squirming to get away.

"Oh whale. I guess you'll just have to suffer." I shrug, tickling him harder as he continues to squirm.

"Now, tell me I'm the big bro." I glare again, trailing my fingers up and down his sides again.

"You're. The. Big. Bro." he whispers in between breaths.

"I can't hear you, Mikey. Speak up please." I say in a sing-song voice, making my fingers into a claw above his face.

"You're the big bro." he says a little louder, eyes widening as the claw gets closer to his sides.

"Better." I nod, getting up off the floor. He quickly crawls behind Tony who's just standing there, assessing the situation. When did he get up?

"You're still little though." Mike whispers from behind Tone. I hear this and go to lunge at him but I'm quickly picked up from behind (curse my shortness) and placed on the couch by Jaime who points at me with a glare.

"No more tickling Michael." he squints at me, trying his best to be his variation of 'serious'.

"Fine. But that doesn't mean I won't get him in his sleep." I joke, crossing my arms over my chest and pouting like a young child. I look over at Mike who's cowering behind Tony (Or at least trying to cower. He's much taller than Tone).

"Boys, we're here." the driver calls out. Before he can finish his sentence, the door bursts open and Jesse from Sleeping With Sirens walks in, assessing the situation.

"What's going on in here?" he questions with a raised eyebrow, looking from me to Jaime to Mike behind Tony.

"Vic here was tickling Mike. Jaime and I got woken up by it and came out here to investigate. Jaime had to make Vic sit on the couch to scold him while Mike crawled over behind me to hide." Tony explains which is odd because Tony doesn't usually speak and when he does, it's either an explanation of something or other or something weird. He's like Ferb from Phineas and Ferb. Lots of action, little talk. I don't get him sometim-

"VIC!!!!" Jesse snaps, waving his hands in front of my face.

"What?" I ask, confusion flooding my face. All of Sleeping With Sirens, except for Kells, is on the bus, staring at me weirdly.

"You zoned out for, like, five minutes. You okay?" Gabe asks me.

"Yeah. Where's Kells?" I ask, quickly changing the subject.

"Still on the bus. We woke up to him jacking off in the shower. Gross." Jack whines.

"I woke up to Vic doing the same thing." Mikes pipes up, still hiding behind Tony. Wimp.

"You mean Kellic was simultaneously jacking off in their showers?" Justin pipes, earning nods from everyone except me.

"What's Kellic?" I ask, utterly confused.

"Well, some fans like the idea of you and Kellbell together. So, they thought of a ship name for you two, which is Kellic." Jesse explains. Hmm, I like the idea of Kellic, too.

"Okay. Welp, imma go see him. You guys can talk or whatever you do." I wave them off as I get up and walk outside the door to the Sleeping With Sirens bus.

Stopping at the door, I open it and walk in. Searching around, I find Kells searching through his suitcase for a shirt. Instantly I blush red, seeing that Kells is shirtless and me having to keep calm, trying not to get turned on by this.

"Kells." I say, poking him.

He's straight, Vic. You guys are nothing but best friends.


And, that's a wrap for these 2 updates. Hopefuly they weren't too short or sucky. The real Kellic moments will happen a little later on. I also kinda want to write some smut by myself. I'll write at the end of the chapter that is before the chapter where the smut would take place to know if I should or should not write smut. I hope it doesn't suck if I do write some smut. (pun not intended ;) )

Remember, I am updating 1 chapter tomorrow. During finals, I actually ended up with 4 chapters altogether so, on Sunday, I will be updating 1 more chapter as well. This will be the biggest amount of updates within a time period. I will ultimately update every Friday and Sunday.

On another note, I am officially on my summer break *cheers internally and externally*. Also, whatever song I am currently listening to at the end of the story, I will write it at the end. Kk bye :p

Song: "This One's For You" by Of Mice and Men

~Victoria .-.

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