Chapter 33

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I'm sorry if this chapter seems shitty or poorly written or short but it's because writer's block is eating away at my brain. Also, this chapter will be centered around Vic's birthday so just pretend that Vic is turning 32 again (what am I talking about he's 17 DuH xD)

Just read, please?

~Victoria .-.


No one's POV

"Awe they're so cute." Tony.

"Cute? More like FUCKIN ADORABLE!" Jaime.

"Jaime, are you fangirling again?" Mike.

"Of course not. I'm agressively admiring." Jaime.

"This pancake batter is going to agressively admire your face if you don't shut up." Mike.

"Mike, don't threaten my boyfriend. That's my job." Tony.

Jaime to Mike, "That's right."

Jaime to Tony, "That was mean. No kisses for you."

"That's it. Mike, give me the batter." Tony.

Shuffling is heard in the distance.

"Tony, what are you doing with that batter? Tony, don't you dare!" Jaime.

Sounds of contents being spilled are heard.

"Tony whyyyyyyy?" Jaime.

Sounds of yawning are heard from the living area floor.

"Shhh. I think they're waking up." Mike.

Vic's POV

Cracking an eye open I catch a peek at the hilarious sight in the kitchen.

Tony, holding a large mixing bowl in his tattooed arms, stands next to Mike as they try to silence their laughter over Jaime's pouting form as, what looks like pancake batter, drips from his hair and face.

And these are the idiots that I'm stuck with.

Suddenly I feel someone shifting beside me. Looking over I see Kellin as he rubs his eyes, yawns, and stretches all at once as he, too, looks over at the kitchen and, upon seeing the current situation of the three guys, lets out a small giggle.

This little shit has got to stop being so damn adorable.

"What are you guys even doing?" I ask the guys from my spot on the ground.

"Well, we were making chocolate chip pancakes as a birthday surprise for you but this numbskull," Mike says, motioning towards the spikey-haired bassist, "Wouldn't shut the hell up."

"And so you poured pancake batter all over him?" I question suspiciously.

"Yup." Tony says as Mike goes to make another batter for the pancakes, muttering about how "these idiots ruined a perfectly good bowl of batter."

"Okay." I oddly whisper as I watch Jaime walk into the bathroom to shower away the batter.


After the batter is made, the pancakes cooked and after Jaime is done with his shower, we all sit in a circle on the floor to enjoy the breakfast. After we're done Kellin, sadly, leaves for his own bus, stating that he needs to get ready.

As soon as both busses are ready, we leave the venue and drive off to the next stop, doing whatever needs to be done on the way.

Almost as quick as we arrive at the Pittsburgh venue, the door of our bus opens as the guys from Sleeping With Sirens fill the bus along with the members of Pvris and Mallory Knox, resulting in an uncomfortably cramped space.

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