Chapter 32

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Part 3 of Kellic being locked inside a tour bus for an entire night. This one may or may not be as deep as last chapter. Ok have fun.



February 9th, 2015

Vic's POV

"Can I ask you question, Kellin?" I silently ask in the still-darkness of the bus.

"What is it?" he asked calmly.

"Why did you fall in love with me? What made you think that out of all these beautiful roses, you fell in love with the simple little daisy?" I can hear the sound of his smile as he begins to speak.

"What did I not fall in love with? I fell for every little thing about you. The way you play with your hair when you're bored. The way you try to intimidate me with your stare. The way you tilt your head when you're confused. The way you get excited when you really want to tell me something. The way you make those cute little random noises. The way you hate when people poke you on the side. The way you ramble on about anything and everything. The way you sit, stand, or walk close to anyone when you're nervous. How much shorter you are compared to me and how, whenever you try to kiss me, you have to stand on your tippy-toes just to reach my lips. How tight you wrap your arms around me whenever we cuddle because you think that I'll disappear if you aren't holding on tight enough. There is not one thing that I hate about you because you are just so damn perfect." he explains, going off into detail about everything he can think of.

By time he's finished speaking, I'm in tears. And somehow, in the complete darkness, he can sense that.

"Sweetie why are you crying?" he whispers, crawling over to me and hugging me tightly. Taking a shaky breath as he wipes away my tears, I tell him.

"Because no one has ever told me any of that before. No one has cared for me so much that they notice every little thing. I've never had anyone care for me like that." I confess to him.

In the silence I hear him whisper something that I can just barely make out. Smiling to myself, I poke him.

"What did you just say?" I ask him.

"I said, "When you love someone so much, you notice every thing about them."" he repeats, a little louder than before.

"Hmm. You want to know what made me fall in love with you?" I ask as I play with the ends of his hair.

"I'd like that." he whispers, laying down on the blankets with a pillow underneath his head. I lay down with him, my arms wrapped tightly around his waist.

"Well, let's begin with your beautiful hair and how it falls in front of your eyes and how you always have to brush it out of the way. Your smile is just holy shit. You don't smile very often in photos but when you do I get blown away by it because it's so damn adorable. Your eyes are such a beautiful color. They're this blue and green and gray and just, every color mixed together to create this prism of beauty. Your height makes me jealous because you're taller than me but it makes it so much cuter when you have to slightly bend down just to kiss me. Your voice may be a bit girly but I don't care because it is music to my ears and to my heart. Your kisses are oh my goodness. I can't get enought of your kisses and how they taste and how gentle they are but how extremely rough they are when you want them to be. Your hands and how the spaces between your fingers are right where mine fit perfectly. Your heart and how much of a sweetheart you are and how kind of a person you are. I could go on and on about every little thing that I love about you but no amount of words could express my feelings." I explain, getting lost in my words as I conjure up every single thing I could possibly think of.

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