Chapter 39

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Can you believe that I've had this account for more than a year? Can you believe that I've been working on this story for almost a year? Can you believe that this story only has a few chapters left?

Yeah, neither can I.

~Victoria .-.


Vic's POV

Just like she promised she would, Danielle spread the word about my flaming homosexuality only a couple of hours after I stood up to her at her home. I, too, added my own words to forms of social media, stating that Danielle's claims were true and that I was, in fact, gay af.

All I had left to deal with was the aftermath. Surprisingly, though, the comments were not all terrible like I thought they would be.

Sure there were some like,

"I'm never listening to PTV ever again."

"I knew you were a gay faggot."

"A perfect title to match your terrible fucking voice."

But a larger number were the nicer comments, such as,

"I'll love you and the band no matter who you love."

"If this is what makes you happy, I support it 100%."

"Yas both you and @kellinquinn are gay I can totally smell the possibility of Kellic!" (I showed Kellin that one and we both laughed for about ten minutes at the irony of it).

It was those nicer comments that really diversified the real fans versus the haters who have nothing better to do than to harass others behind a computer screen.

And obviously, because I accepted that Kellin was right and that everything would be fine, I got to hear the "I Told You So" speech. Or more like the speech I wasn't going to let him begin.

"Hey Vic, I........"

"If you finish that statement, you won't be telling me anything with my dick in your mouth and down your throat." I threaten, smirking devilishly.

"But, don't you threaten me with a good time." he sings, winking seductively as he references one of my own songs.

"You're such a dork, Kells." I mutter, rolling my eyes.

"But you love me." he smiles.

"That I do." I whisper.

"So, when do we get to tell the fans our little secret? Because I've heard that many people ship us together and I bet they would love to know that at least one of their OTPs actually exists beyond the world of fanfiction and edits." he asks, moving so he's plopped down on my lap.

He moves around a lot to sit himself properly which in turn causes problems for me as he basically grinds his ass on my crotch. Not exactly wanting to get turned on at that moment I wrap my arms around his waist, pulling him towards me and stopping his movements on my lap. He looks curiously at me before shrugging it off.

"So, when do we come out?" he asks again.

"All in due time, Kells. Good things come to those who wait." I answer.

He looks at me, laughing lightly.


"Did you just quote Mother Gothel from Tangled?" he asks.


"Oh, but I believe you did, my dear Viccy." he trills.

"Don't call me that." I whine. He ignores me though as he laughs, moving around more on me. Grasping his hips, he gasps as I hold him in place.

"Now who's the dork?" I ask.

"Still you." he breathes.

"Oh really? Well, how about I show you what this 'dork' can do to you in a bed when he's horny because his boyfriend keeps moving his ass around on my crotch?" I growl, leaning close to his ear.

"Is that a promise or an order?" he shivers, already getting turned on as well.

"That's a fucking order." I command, uncomfortably turned on as I squirm under Kellin in my black skinny jeans.

"Bring it on."

(A/N: Yeah sorry I can't write smut.)


Still Vic's POV (the next day)

Waking up that next morning, I feel accomplished and sore over last night's activities.

Then again, three rounds of sex in a row can leave one pretty worn out.

As I'm thinking this, Kellin wakes up right beside me, groaning in pain and comfort all at once. If I'm sore then he must be wrecked from last night.

"Are you okay, darling?" I ask, kissing the back of his head as my arms stay wrapped around his waist.

"Yeah. I'm just sore, like, everywhere. Why did I agree to three rounds?"

"Because you just couldn't get enough of DEEZ NUTS!"

"Say that again and I'll put my dick in your butt." he mutters.

"Babe, you're such a bottom. You couldn't put your dick in my butt even if you tried." I laugh.

"True." he groans.

That's when I get the idea to do something. I'm not scared anymore of what others will think. I'm not afraid anymore. I'm ready.

"Hey Kellin?"


"How would you feel if we came out today? As in, told the fans about us?" I ask nervously.

"I would absolutely love that." he smiles, turning around to face me.

"That settles it. We're doing this today. Are you ready?" I ask.

"I've been ready ever since you hit me with a door when we first met."


Guys, there's only one chapter left. Literally just one. It will be Vic and Kellin coming out to the fans and some other added features to fill it out. I'll write it when I get off school this Thursday which is my last day.

♡ :) Love you guys :) ♡

Song for this chapter: "Earned It" by The Weekend

~Victoria .-.

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