Chapter 30

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Hi guys. Okay happy reading.

~Victoria .-.


 February 7th, 2015

Tony's POV

"Guys we really need to do something else about this." Mike states one day from his seat booth at Taco Bell.

"About what?" Gabe asks from his spot.

"You know? Kellin and Vic." he reminds us.

"What's there to do? They're friends again. Isn't that what we wanted?" Jaime questions.

"That's not all. I want them to be more than friends." argues Mike.

"Mike, just drop it. It's their choice whether they get back together or not." Jack points out, swallowing a bite of the burrito that is resting in his hands.

"I agree with Jack. We should let whatever happens, happen." Nick adds in. Most of our group nods their head in agreement.

After being quiet throughout this whole conversation, I eventually speak up.

"Surprisingly, I'm agreeing with Mike on this one." I mutter, sending surprised glances in my direction. Coughing slightly, I state my reasoning.

"I'm tired of seeing both Kellin and Vic look so miserable all of the time. It is physically visible how much their lives suck with the current situation and we all know that both of them are way too stubborn for their own good to just talk it out. Plus, if we don't do anything then nothing about this is gonna get better." I explain. Thinking this over, they all agree with me.

"You've got a valid point, Tony, but how are you proposing we tackle this situation?" questions Justin.

"What if we lock them up in the same room for a night?" Mike jumps in, loudly stating his propostion while also gaining the attention of the workers and several other customers.

"Mike, I'm slightly afraid and excited for this. What do you have in mind?" Jaime whispers.

"Well, I'm thinking of locking them up in one of the busses for a night and only allowing them to be in the living area. They will have access to the kitchen and bathroom but not the bunks. We will see, from there, how everything goes." he explains. All of us process this idea, liking it immediately.

"You know, that might just work out in the end." Nick points out, all of the others adding in their agreements.

"Great! I say we try this on the ninth of February. So, two days from now?" Jaime announces, clapping his hands together.

"Perfect! Now, let us commence plan get Kellic back together. On three! 1, 2, 3."


February 9th, 2015

Vic's POV

"Goodnight *insert city*!!!" I scream into the mic, running off stage and right into an overly-hyper Kellin.

"Holy shit I'm so pumped I feel like I could maybe kill a guy or something holy shit!!!!" he yelps, jumping around in wild circles. Laughing at his antices I walk over and place my hands on his sweaty shoulders, keeping him momentarily still. Giving him a serious look I ask him a very serious question.

"Kellin?" I ask, getting his attention. "How many cans of Monster have you had in the past four hours?"

"Only three and a half." he smiles, bringing an arm up to swallow the rest of his current energy drink. "Make that four."

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