Chapter 35

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I'm extremely sorry for not updating but I could not come up with ideas. Well luckily for you guys, I got some ideas last weekend and I know how I want to end this. I'm planning on having somewhere around 5 chapters left. Ok enjoy.



Kellin's POV (3 weeks later)

Do you ever get this feeling of sudden determination to do something that you're terrified of doing yet you just can't rest until you've done what you need to do? This was something that I had been feeling for sometime now yet the urge to go through with it had been getting stronger and stronger with each passing day. Feeling like I would explode if I didn't say it out loud, I just let it spill from my mouth.

"I want to come out!"

Almost immediately, I felt Vic tense up beside me and I soon realized that those five words did not come out the way that I wanted them too.

Today was actually the last day of the American leg of the World Tour and we were spending the early morning in his bunk, cuddled up with his arms around my waist and our hands clasped together. As soon as I felt him tense up, though, I brought his hand up to my lips and lightly kissed his knuckles. The simple gesture was enough to get him to relax as I explained my outburst.

"I didn't mean it like that. I know that you're still not quite ready to come out just yet and I completely respect that." I pause to catch a breath before continuing my story.

"What I mean is that I want to come out for myself. I'm ready for people to know the truth about me."

He nods in understanding as he listens and, once I'm done speaking, so does he.

"Can I ask you what brought this on, by any chance?" he asks as I turn to face him on the rather small bunk space.

"I don't really know. Maybe it was just the comments I get on my photos. The ones that ask me who the lucky girl is that's got me actually smiling in photos. Or how everyone says that I'm too reserved." I explain, no hint of uncertainty in my voice.

"I can understand that. Sure, I know that I won't be able to do the same thing just yet but I stand by you 100%." he whispers, twirling a piece of my hair in his fingers.

"Thank you. And don't worry. When you decide that you're ready to come out, I'll be right here with you." I whisper to him. He smiles softly at this, leaning in for a quick peck on the lips.

"So, when are you actually going to go through with this new found determination?" he asks. I mull over the question for a bit before coming up with a conclusion.

"Well seeing as we're going to be on a two to three week break before the London shows, I'm planning on doing so during that time." He nods, giving me one last peck before getting out of his bunk.

"We'd better get ready. We've got a long day ahead of us." I nod, following him out as we get ready for our last tour date here in America.


(After the show)

"Guys that was amazing! We killed it tonight wow!" Mike exclaims as we watch him run off to the showers. I laugh as I stand in front of an equally-sweaty Vic.

"You need a shower, too. Go on." I tease, shooing him away. He sends me a pout before going in for a hug.

I squeal, trying to get away from him. Unfortunately, his quick reflexes work to his advantage as he grabs me in a sweaty bear hug. I sigh in defeat as he kisses me quickly, catching his bottom lip inbetween his teeth. I groan and he lets go, sending me a wink before heading to the showers.

Caraphernelia ((Kellic))Where stories live. Discover now