Chapter 26

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SURPRISE MIDDLE-OF-THE-WEEK UPDATE!!! I decided that since I have no homework and I've got some downtime, I'll update. I was going to update last night but I had lots of homework and I had a Vic spam on my Instagram last night because our little baby taco muffin turned 32 yesterday omfg.

So yeah, here's this little surprise fluffy chapter for you guys :)

~Victoria .-.


Kellin's POV

"Awe, they look so cute together." Mike.

"They look so happy omfg my feels." Jaime.

"Jaime, your fangirl is showing." Mike.

"Fangirls are some scary people. Just imagine if they saw this." Jaime.

"Shh. I think they're waking up." Mike.

Cracking an eye open, I look up at the extremely annoying guys standing by the bed who look back at me as I squint in confusion.

"Hey Kellybear. How ya doing this fine morning?" Jaime asks as he buries his hand in a box of Fruit Loops.

"I'm tired. What day is it?" I yawn, attempting to stretch but realizing that my arm is stuck under something. I look to my left to see why and I smile as I see a still-sleeping Vic cuddled up in my arms. How can he still be sleeping even with these loud mouths in here?

"It's December 26th. You guys slept right through the rest of Christmas." Mike explains. "We were gonna wake you guys up for Christmas dinner but considering how little sleep the both of you have gotten, we decided to just leave you alone."

"Well thank you for that. Now, can you please leave now?" They nod and walk out, closing the door softly behind them.

As soon as they leave, I look to my side and watch as Vic sleeps for a few more minutes. The sight of him in his sleep makes me smile as I remember many times like this where I would just stay up for hours, watching as Vic slept next to me with a sleepy smile on his face for the entire night. But as much as I would rather watch the sleeping boy, I realize that we should probably get up. So, I wake him up the only way I know how.

Slowly inching my arm out from under him, I sit up on the bed and turn to him before kneeling down and planting kisses all over his face. After many little butterfly kisses all over his face, his nose scrunches up and he giggles -yes, giggles- before slowly opening his eyes to look up at me through those long eyelashes.

"Good morning, sweetheart." I whisper.

"G'morning. What time is it?" he mutters, yawning right into my face. I scrunch up my nose at his morning breath before glancing at the clock on the bedside table.

"9:27." I report.

"Ugh, it's too early to be awake. Can we go back to sleep?" he groans, rolling over onto his stomach and planting his face into my pillows.

"Sweetheart, we've been asleep since eleven yesterday morning. We've gotta get up and face the day."

"But I don't wanna face the day. I wanna sleep." he whines, his voice muffled by the pillows.

"If you get up right now then I'll kiss you again." I smile, knowing exactly how to get him up and out of bed.

He groans one more time before mumbling a tired 'fine', rolling back over and sitting up on the bed. He stretches and yawns before looking back over at me with a lazy smile.

Caraphernelia ((Kellic))Where stories live. Discover now