Chapter 24

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Oh my god thank you guys so much for 10k reads. I really have no idea why people like this story but thank you all so much. I'm gonna update as much as possible today and tomorrow for you guys. I love you all so fucking much.

~Victoria .-.


Mike's POV

I really need to do something about Kellin and Vic. It's already December 22nd and they aren't together yet. But how do I get two men back together when one is completely undecided and confused and the other is my emotional wreck of an older brother?

It's quite simple, actually. I will get both bands together (minus Kellin and Vic) and we will all come up with a plan. Which is exactly what I'm doing right now.

After gathering up all the guys, we all meet up at my place to think of a plan to get Kellic back together and all of the guys are on board for it.

"So, we have got to get Vic and Kellin back together. I cannot stand seeing Vic all upset and depressed any longer." I say to the seven men surrounding me.

"I agree. I'm tired of Kellin just moping around everywhere." Justin adds in, the rest of Sleeping With Sirens nodding with him.

"I agree with Justin be cause Kellin's moping has been quite annoying. On the bus, Kellin just lays around all day and does nothing and now that we're not on tour for a few weeks, he just stays in his apartment all day and mopes. And he's starting to get a bit chubby." Jack continues, everyone quickly agreeing.

"Okay, we have decided that it is best to get the Kellic ship sailing again but that leaves us with one important question. How do we get these two back together?" Jaime chirps. Tony nods along to his boyfriend's idea. Ever since they came out to the public, they've gotten closer than ever.

"How about we trap them in an elevator and leave them in there until they kiss and realize that they still love each other?" Alysha pipes, poking her head out from the kitchen.

"Hey, I like her idea." Nick mumbles.

"Yeah. It worked for Kurt and Blaine when Sue did that in Glee so why not?" Gabe laughs. Everyone shakes their heads except for Alysha, Gabe, and Nick.

"Sorry to pop your guy's Gleek bubbles but that isn't happening." Justin says. The three groan and Alysha walks back into the kitchen.

"Okay. Does anyone have a better idea?" Jaime asks, looking around the room.

"What if we recreated their first date?" Tony whispers from his spot next to Jaime.

"Hey, that's actually a really good idea." Jack says.

"I second that." Nick says. He may not have been in Sleeping With Sirens during that time but he already knows all of the details.

"Third it." Gabe.

"Fourth." Justin.

"Fifth." Jaime.

"Sixth." Alysha.

Everyone looks at me with hopeful looks. I sigh and nod at this very good idea.

"I seventh it." I agree, sending cheers around our circle.

"Perfect, we have an idea. Now, when and where will this take place?" Alysha walks in, sitting down on my lap. She gives me a little peck on the lips before turning to everyone.

"Well, I say that we have it during Christmas. It will be a Kellic Christmas miracle if all goes well." Jaime jumps in.

"That's perfect, Jaime. Now, where will it be?" Alysha asks, staring down everyone. She may be a girl but my girlfriend sure can be serious and scary when she wants to be.

"Well, what about that one park down the street? It looks almost similar to where they had their first date. We can hang the lights in the tree and Mike can make the same foods that he did." Jack offers.

"Wonderful. Mike, does Vic still have that outfit?" Justin adds.

"Are you kidding me? He loves that outfit more than life. Does Kellin still have his outfit?" I ask.

"Absolutely. He refuses to wear it because he doesn't want to ruin it."

"Wonderful. All of the details are set and ready. This will be the best Christmas miracle EVER!" The guys all agree, whooping and cheering from their spots.

Let's just hope that our plan will work.


Done with this chapter. Sorry that it's so short but this was really just a filler. Will the plan work or will Kellic not work out?

All will be revealed in the next chapter which I will be posting today cause I can. And another thanks for the 10k reads. I love you guys.

Song for this chapter: "Swing, Swing" by All-American Rejects

~Victoria .-.

Caraphernelia ((Kellic))Where stories live. Discover now