Chapter 4

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Kellin's POV

"Kells?" I hear an all-too familiar voice say. The person pokes my back before I smile and pull a random shirt on.

Getting up quickly, I turn around and, before they can think, I pounce on them, wrapping them in a big bear hug. They're surprised at first but quickly recover and wrap their strong arms around me. I sure hope they can't feel my heart practically jumping out of my chest at the closeness.

"I missed you so much, Vic." I whisper, still engulfing him in my death hug.

"I missed you too, Kells." he whispers. I swear, whenever I hear that nickname, I nearly melt into a puddle on the floor. Kellin, your gay is showing.

After a few minutes of intense hugging we pull apart, me instantly wanting that closeness back. He looks me up and down, pausing a little at my lips, biting his lip. I imagined that, I'm sure of it. But damn, that was hot.

Shut up, Kellin. He is as straight as a pole where as you are as straight as, I don't know, scoliosis? Or are you even gay?

Of course I'm gay oh stupid voice in my head. I can tell since friends do not think of their friends as hot.

Vic chuckles at something funny and I look at him all confused. I didn't voice my thoughts, did I? Oh dear God, I hope I didn't.

"What?" I ask him, putting my hands on my hips and cocking my head. Kellin, now your sass AND your gay is showing.

"Oh nothing," he smirks, "Just a certain someone's band telling me all about how their lead singer was heard jacking off in the shower. No biggie."

My jaw drops at this and I glare at his smirk (which is really hot by the way). He just laughs and looks down shaking his head, gorgeous brown locks swaying on his shoulders. Kellin, stop thinking about your STRAIGHT best friend like that. Guy best friends DO NOT call their guy best friend gorgeous.

"Who told you this bit of information that should have been kept a secret?" I question, already planning a little prank for the perpetrator.

"Jack." he shrugs as though it's obvious. Jack had better watch his back because I have something planned.

"Ok. So, what were you doing on your bus before this information was told?" I ask him.

"I, oh, um, just, stuff." he stammers. I look at him quizzically before it dawns on me.

"Were you jacking off in your shower, too?" I poke his nose and he blushes, looking down at his shoes. That's all the answer I need but awwwww, his blush is so cute.

"See, I'm not the only one." I sing, mentally high-fiving myself because I got Vic Fuentes to blush.

"You're so weird." he laughs, poking my nose. I scrunch up my nose and stick my tongue out at him.

"Yeah, but you love me anyway." He seems to mentally agree with me but I know I just imagined it, right? He's straight. Why would he love me? I just shrug it off.

"So, you wanna go get some lunch. I'm starving and I never ate any food. I'm running on, like, nothing." he whines, tugging on my arm. He's so cute.

"I'm running on a can of Monster for breakfast. Let's go." I agree, pulling him along with me.

"Ugh, Kells?" Vic stops me, pulling me to look at him. My breath hitches as my blue-green eyes catch his chocolatey-brown eyes. I could drown in those.

"Oh, um, you forgot your, uh, shoes." he stammers, blushing slightly. I look down, partially to see if he's right but mostly to hide the blush on my cheeks. Hell, I'm probably blushing more than he is. But awwwww, I made him blush again. My life is now fulfilled.

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