Chapter 37

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Hey I started writing this at one a.m. in the dark on my tablet and then I fell asleep and the rest was written at seven a.m. so yeah, here's an update.

Also, the end of this chapter will kind of be a surprise (in a good way).

~Victoria .-.


Kellin's POV

It took only a few moments after posting the video to get responses and honestly, I was quite surprised. When I did this, I expected fans to hate and detest me but it was quite the opposite. Instead, I was flooded with caring and supportive comments from nearly everyone. And whenever a hate comment was spotted, a group of fans would get on the hater's back and start pounding them with comments that would shoo the hater away.

As I stared in awe over the support of my fans, I faintly heard the door to the studio open. Looking over, I noticed Mama Fuentes looking right at me.

"I'm so proud of you, Kellin. You did something that most are afraid to do." she states, mentioning the video.

"You saw?"

"Honey, everyone is seeing it." she points out.

"Yeah but now everyone is going to bombard me with comments over who I'm dating and I can't tell them because he still won't come out." She nods in understanding, draping an arm over my shoulder.

"He'll come out one of these days. It may not be in the next day or even in the next month but he will. Maybe since you have, he might find it a little bit easier to do so. You just need to give him some time." I nod, understanding what she means.

Hopefully she's right.


After five hours later and a billion responses on all social media sites, Vic and his father come home from their fishing trip. As soon as he sees me, Vic hands his fishing pole to his father before running over to me on the couch and bombarding me with questions and concerns.

"Oh my god I got the notification as soon as you posted while we were on the boat and I watched the whole video on the way home. How are you not freaking out over the hate messages? What do the fans think? Do you need a hug? A warm bath? Cuddles? I'm seriously freaking out."

I smile slightly before grabbing the hysterical man's hands, running my thumbs over his palms. The simple action calms him down almost immediately as he quickly shuts up, looking at me expectantly. I motion for him to come closer and he does, cuddling up to me under my arm as I grab my phone, going through the comments.

"What do you see here?" I ask him, motioning to the string of comments.

He looks at the screen for a few moments, pondering the odd question before answering.

"I see a lot of hate comments and some "fans" who are dissing you." he points out.

"Well you wanna know what I see?" He sends me a questioning glance so I answer.

"While you see the hate, I see the support. I see the true fans that stay fans, continuing to support the band. I see those who are fighting against the hate comments. I see the kindness and support among all of that hate because in the end, the hate doesn't even matter. What really matters is who stayed even when they find out about something like this." I explain, pointing out all of the nicer comments.

"I don't understand how to focus on the positive and not the negative, though. All I see is the unkind." Vic whispers, pointing out many different hate comments.

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