Chapter 17

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Hello humanoids. I'm back and here is the beginning of The World Tour. Be prepared for drama, sadness, tears, arguing, and even some forgiveness in later chapters. Here is the traffic.

~Victoria .-.


Vic's POV (beginning of The World Tour)

Waking up in the morning has never been my strong point. I have never been a morning person like the rest of the band and even worse, it was the beginning of World Tour. Sure, I should have been super excited to be touring again but having to spend nearly seven months with the one guy who hates me more than anything is not how I want to spend a tour.

Luckily I had already gotten all of my stuff packed and ready. The others? Well, that was a different story all together. They were the kind of people who left their packing until the last minute. Since I wasn't spending my last few non-touring weeks with a boyfriend or girlfriend, I had all of the time in the world to pack when I wasn't moping around. (I actually tried to avoid Danielle as much as possible, much to her dismay).

Since I already had everything packed and we weren't scheduled to leave until eight in the morning, I chose to sleep in for another hour. Better to sleep than to live in the nightmare called life.


Kellin's POV

Waking up from sleep has always been the easiest thing for me to do. It feels almost refreshing to get up and face the world. Or in my case, finish some last-minute packing. I had packed almost everything but I got lazy and chose to finish the rest this morning. The others didn't even start packing at all and I just laughed at them as they ran around like chickens with their heads cut off, trying to pack quickly.

Finishing off my breakfast, I went upstairs and got myself ready, showering and all of that stuff. Once I was finished getting ready, I gathered everything and left the room, walking downstairs and dropping my suitcase with the rest.

The scene on the couches reminded me of the same scene two years ago. Everyone with hangovers, nearly falling asleep and kind of grumpy. Two years ago, I was happy to be hanging out with all of my friends, going on tour, and thinking about being with Vic. Now, two years later, it's as if everything in my life has changed.


Vic's POV

I'm in the same position as I was two years ago when we first started the Collide With The Sky tour. The whole band sleeping off their hangovers on the bus. Having eaten almost no breakfast. Sitting on the couch, playing around on my phone.

I actually start to text Kellin but then I remember. I remember and just like that, it all hits me at once. I realize that I can't hang out with my best friend anymore. I can't text him. I can't have fun with him. I can't even speak with him. I lost a best friend because of my idiotic self.

Putting my phone down, I place my head in my hands and take a deep breath. My brain keeps telling me to talk to someone but my heart tells me that only one thing can help heal my pain. Shaking my head, I lace my fingers through my hair and yank on it to get the pain away. The yanking helps somewhat but I can still feel the emotional pain and I end up yanking my hair even harder.

Only when I hear a gasp do I stop yanking. Looking up, I see Tony standing there. He looks shocked and he just stands there for a bit before walking over and sitting next to me. Even with what happened between Jaime and I, Tony still talks to me and he isn't one bit angry towards me like everyone else seems to be.

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