Chapter 27

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Happy "I'm forever alone" Day. This chapter is not going to be all lovey-dovey despite today's date so yeah sorry. Actually, it will be the exact opposite and there will be some drama.

~Victoria .-.


Mike's POV

When I woke up on New Years Eve I was completely annoyed with life for many, many reasons and every single reason had to do with Kellin and Vic's fucked up relationship as well as Danielle Victoria. Let me explain.

After Kellin and Vic were seemingly "okay" again, Kellin ended up chickening out and ran off again. He hasn't came back to see any of us since then and he's been ignoring everyone, even his own band. And it has been very noticeable that Vic is miserable yet again. But then again, how would you feel if the girl/guy that you're in love with is kissing you and loving you one day and then ignores you the next day? You would probably feel pretty shitty and honestly, I just really want to smack Kellin Quinn upside the head for doing all of this to Vic.

This leads us to annoying topic number two: Danielle Victoria.

She'll be at the New Years Eve party tonight and, of course, Vic has to go and they have to be a "couple" for the cameras or the evil little witch will tell all about how, surprise surprise, Vic likes guys (A/N: hehe that rhymed). I just really wish that Vic would let her go but he refuses due to what she knows and what she will tell.

Sure, she has this other real boyfriend and you would ask, "How is that other guy even okay with any of this?" To be honest, I don't think he likes any of this but does that red-headed devil care. The correct answer is no, she does not care.

But I can't think about any of that right now. I need to get ready for the party tonight. It's basically just this little thing with a couple of bands and, of course, Adam Elmakias taking pictures of the whole night. I just really hope all goes well.


Mike's POV (7:30pm)

Checking out my reflection in the mirror to see if I'm party ready, I grab my keys and wallet before walking downstairs and into the living room to see Vic waiting for me. His entire demeanor tells me that he wants nothing more than to just sit at home, watch chick flicks, and cry instead of going to some party but he himself feels like he needs to pretend that him and Danielle are together.

If I were him, I would've already told her to fuck off but Vic isn't and has never been as confident in stuff like that. I know exactly why he doesn't want people finding out about his secret. He's seen the hate that Jaime and Tony have been getting ever since they came out and he can't handle when people hate on him. I see the upset look he gets every time someone sends him hate but he always tries to hide it and it'll be even worse when people find out about this.

Vic looks up when he realizes that I'm standing in the room and I ask if he's ready. He nods and relunctanly gets up from the couch to follow me to my car. We get in, get strapped in, and begin our drive to pick up Alysha. On the way I decide to speak up.

"You know Vic, you don't have to do this. You could just stay home and relax." I explain, trying to get him to give up on Danielle.

"You know exactly why I can't do that, Mike." he gives a simply reply, no emotion in his voice whatsoever.

"I don't see why you can't just leave her, though. I mean, look at Jaime and Tony. They've been happier ever since they came out and that could be you if you just told Danielle to fuck off." I say, knowing full well he won't agree but trying anyway.

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