Chapter 28

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Oh hello peoples. New updates? Check. Also, happy one-year anniversary to my Wattpad.

I'm sorry this author's note makes no sense. Ok continue reading.

~Victoria .-.


Mike's POV (3 days later)

"We have to get him out of that apartment now or he'll never come out." Justin explains to me through the speaker of my phone.

"Agreed. That little white boy has spent enough time hiding from us." Jaime adds in from the couch.

Jaime and I were, at the moment, conversing with Justin via phone call and everyone agreed that we have to try to get Kellin out of his apartment. He had been silent ever since late December and if we didn't confront him now then he'd never come out.

"Well don't you need a plan? You can't just walk up to his door and saunter right in." the ever-cautious Justin speaks.

"Yes but seeing all he has put Vic through emotionally, I don't care. So yes, I am going to just walk right in." I answer him.

"I guess you've got a point but good luck getting him out of there. It definitely won't be an easy maneuver. He's a stubborn little shit." We all agree on this before hanging up.

"So are we really going to drive right over and just walk in." Jaime asks.

"We'll probably just knock at his door. I may be annoyed that he's being incredibly irritating but I'm not annoyed enough to disrupt his privacy. Plus, we could walk in and he might be jacking off or something." The thought makes us shudder. That is definitely not something that we want to witness.

A noise from the kitchen soon alerts us and we look up to see Alysha walk in.

"Just the woman we wanted to see!" exclaims Jaime.

"What do you guys need?" she asks, standing in the hallway with her hands on her hips.

"We wanted to know if you could bring Tony and Vic shopping with you. We're going to see Kellin and we don't want them to be left alone." I explain to her.

"And how do you know that Vic will want to leave the house? You know how he's been holed up in his room this past week." she questions with a raised eyebrow.

"You guys can leave that part to me." I whisper with a mischevious tone in my voice before standing and heading upstairs. Once I'm face-to-face with Vic's door I knock on it only to get nothing but a long groan as a response.

Rolling my eyes at my brother's stubborn attitude I open the door and smirk at his sprawled out form, brown waves messed up beyond belief. Quickly getting an evil and mischevious idea I walk over to his bed and pull back the covers, sighing in relief as I see that he is fully clothed, before picking him up and throwing him over my shoulder. This seems to wake him up somewhat as he groans again. Laughing as I walk over to the bathroom to turn on the cold water, I quickly throw him in right under the freezing stream and laugh even harder as his eyes nearly pop out at the sudden temperature change.

"H-h-holy shit Mike w-what the fuck was that f-for!!!" he curses, his teeth chattering as his hair gets drenched.

"To wake you up. Now finish your shower and get changed because you're going to be running some errands with Alysha and Tony while Jaime and I get to some unfinished business." I explain before leaving the bathroom to give him some privacy.

Walking back downstairs I run into Jaime, focusing on his messed-up hair. Smirking at this I decide to point it out to him.

"Nice sex hair, Hime-Time." I mutter as he walks past, him whispering a hushed "dammit" as he heads into the other bathroom to fix his spikes.

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