Chapter 19

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Hey guys! It's New Years Eve for me at the moment so yeah, is everyone having a great New Years Eve? If you are, cool. If you haven't had the best day, it'll get better :) Ok, I'll stop talking so you guys can read.

~Victoria .-.


Vic's POV

After an annoyingly long meet and greet, we finish and head back to our bus to rest until the actual show. (Or at least I went back to the bus. The others went to hang with Sleeping With Sirens.)

Now don't get me wrong, I love meet and greets. I love getting to meet all the fans and hang out and get to meet the lovely people who make this band run. It's just, on days like today, not even the people who make you happier than ever can cheer you up. Those days really suck.

Slowly opening the bus door, I peek my head in to see if anyone was there. Seeing no one, I walk in and immediately flop down on the couch. It's a good thing that I'm on vocal rest because talking to people does not seem pleasing right now.

Suddenly, I hear the bus door open slowly. Looking up from my spot on the couch my eyes meet Kellin's, my gaze probably mirroring his nervous one. He quickly breaks the gaze and walks the rest of the way in, shutting the door behind him and sitting down on the opposite couch. You could have cut the awkward tension with a knife.

I raise an eyebrow, giving him a 'what are you doing in here' look. Able to read my face like a book, he silently answers.

"The other guys are having a little before-show party on my bus and I wasn't in the party mood so I went over here to relax. Is that okay with you?" he asks, not really looking straight at me.

I nod silently and roll over, crossing my arms over my stomach and looking up at the bus ceiling. I take a quick glance at Kellin, seeing him laying in the same position that I am in. Our gazes catch and we both look away, a loud sigh escaping his lips. He eventually speaks up to break the silence.

"Look, I don't wanna spend this entire tour with a silent treatment between us so, for this tour, can we just try and be friends? Just so things aren't super awkward and weird." he says, placing his hands behind his head and looking over at me.

I nod, not able to speak from being on vocal rest, and he nods back before returning his gaze to the ceiling. I do the same and the awkward tension subsides to a slightly less awkward tension, both of us just thinking.

We used to talk to each other all the time. There was never an awkward silence, or rarely any silence, between us. We always had something to talk about whenever we were together and even when we weren't hanging out, we would always text or call each other and just talk for hours. After we got together we would stay up long until morning, just talking about anything and everything while cuddling together. We truly had a great relationship and we always talked things out when one of us got upset, either at something else or at one another. How the hell did we end up like this, with nothing to say to each other?

It really sucks and it makes me realize just how much I truly miss him. Not just our relationship but the close friendship we had as well.


After about an hour or two later of silent thinking between the both of us someone opens the door and bursts in, scaring the both of us so much that we both fall from our spots on the couches only to end up very close to each other, our faces nearly touching.

We both quickly get up and scoot away from each other before anyone really notices, the awkward tension back at full force.

"Come on guys. It's time to get out of here and onto the stage mother fuckers!" Mike yells from somewhere in the back as the rest of SWS pours in with Jaime and Tony following soon after.

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