Chapter 11

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Ok guys, here is the start of you guys hating my guts. I apologize in advance for what I am about to do. So, I'm sorry for this but this has been my plan all along.

~Victoria .-.


Kellin's POV

"Viccy, I'm bored." I whine, wrapping my arms around Vic's waist and burying my face in his shoulder, sniffling loudly.

"I know, Kells. But you're sick so you have to stay here and rest." Vic says, patting me on the head. Being sick is not fun.

Groaning loudly, I cuddle closer to Vic (if that's even possible) and just sit there in a comfortable silence with him. The silence is broken, though, when Jaime bursts in through the bus door with Mike and Tony. They all sit around us, Jaime and Tony cuddling like Vic and I are currently doing. I can't believe they're in a relationship together. They are just so cute together.

"So there's a party on All Time Low's bus tonight. You wanna come with us, Vic?" Mike asks Vic, nudging him in the side. I expect Vic to say yes but I'm surprised when he shakes his head 'no'.

"You know I'd love to, guys. It's just Kellin here is sick and I really just wanna stay here and cuddle with him. I can't leave him all alone." Vic explains, making me feel really guilty. I know how much he likes spending time with his friends and I really don't want him to be bored. Who knew I would regret my next words later on?

"Vic, I think you should go to the party with the guys." I say, looking up at Vic.

"But I just wanna stay here with you and cuddle." Vic whines, burying his face in my shoulder.

"Come on, Vic. Go hang out with your friends. Have a good time. Plus, I won't be alone. The guys and I have to perform tomorrow and they don't like having hangovers while performing. I'll just sleep on my bus tonight. We have all of Warped and longer to hang out together. Please Vic. Go have fun. For me?" I say, ignoring the weird feeling in my stomach.

"Are you sure, Kellin?" I nod and he sighs, scratching his head.

"Fine, I'll go to the party. I just won't have any fun without you." Vic huffs, laying down and putting his head in my lap. I smile and run my hand through his soft brown hair.

"What time is the party?" Vic asks, drawing circles in my thigh.

"It starts at eight but I say we go around nine." Jaime explains, his arms wrapped around Tony's waist.

"And what time is it now?" Vic asks.

"It's 7:30 right now. That'll give you plenty of time with Kellin." Mike explains, opening a box of grape Nerds. Vic nods before grabbing my hand, intertwining our fingers together. I sit there, smiling down at my boyfriend as focuses on the movie. But as I sit there, I can't help but focus on the weird feeling I have. I hope that I haven't just made a horrible decision.


Vic's POV *skip 2 hours*

"Goodnight Kells. I'll see you tomorrow." I say to my beautiful boyfriend.

"Goodnight Vic. Don't drink too much." Kellin says to me, giving me a quick hug before I leave the Sleeping With Sirens bus, following the guys to All Time Low's bus. The whole walk there, I continue to try and ignore the weird feeling in the pit of my stomach. It's probably nothing.

We eventually get to the bus, letting ourselves in and being greeted by ear-splitting music and the strong stench of alcohol. Closing the door behind us, we squeeze past the large amount of people until we get to the table of alcohol. The guys go straight to whatever they can get their hands on while I just grab a beer. Who knows what could happen if I get too drunk.

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