Chapter 1

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Hey guys, little author's note thingy. So, this is my first kellic (and first story on Wattpad) so bear with me. I hope to get reads but, even if I don't, I will still continue. So, start the reading peoples. Author out.

~Victoria .-.


Vic's POV ~flashback 4 years ago~

"Hey Viccypoo. We get to meet that new band today. Remember, Sleeping With Sirens." my annoying little brother, Mike, whispers in my ear, poking my sleeping body as he speaks.

"I know. Now get out of my bunk." I groan, not really wanting to wake up. I watch with my one open eye as he climbs out, padding to the front of the RV. The band still wasn't popular enough to get an actual bus.

Eventually, after five gruelling minutes, I kick the covers off of my small body and climb out of my bunk, careful not to hit my head on the ceiling. Digging through my suitcase, I pull out a pink t-shirt & jeans, cut-off just below the knees. Half awake, I drag my body to our small excuse of a shower. The warm water wakes me up almost instantly.


After my shower, I pull on my clothes and walk back to the bunks. Grabbing my black Vans, I slip them on as I jam a beanie over my brown hair. Walking into the "living room" area, I'm quick to notice that everyone else has disappeared. They can't ever seem to stay in one place for long.

Snatching a few bracelets on the way out, I push open the door, smacking someone in the face and pushing them over. Real smooth Vic. Walking down the steps, I take a look behind the door and see an unknown boy laying on the concrete, rubbing his head where the door had smacked him only moments before.

"Omigosh, I am so so sorry. I didn't know you were passing and I am so sorry." I rush as I put a hand out to help him up. Once he's up, he mumbles a "thank you" in a slightly high-pitched voice. Is this a guy or......

"I'm Kellin." the boy looks up and smiles at me, holding out his hand for me to shake but I don't seem to notice as I look the boy over. Hot damn, this guy is good-looking. Blue-green eyes hidden behind shaggy-but-still-sleek black hair. A small and skinny figure, yet still taller than me by a couple of inches with few muscle. Pale skin but not a sickly pale. Grey TOMs on his feet. Skinny jeans with the bottoms rolled-up. An Anthem Made t-shirt.

"Um, weird Mexican munchkin person, are you okay?" the Kellin boy breaks me out of my Kellin-induced state, snapping his fingers in front of my face.

"Yeah-yeah, I'm good. I mean-I'm Vic." I stutter, mentally facepalming myself. Stop acting gay Victor. You are straight. Not gay. Straight!

"Cool. Nice to meet you Vic." I nod and remember something.

"So, what are you doing over here? Aren't fans, like, not supposed to be over here?" I ask, continuously studying him.

"Oh. I'm actually not a fan. I'm in a band." he explains, obviously weirded out that I'm studying him so intensely.

"Oh really? Which band?" I ask, stopping myself from further studying.

"We're a fairly new band, Sleeping With Sirens." I nod again, remembering that we were meeting them today.

"Cool. I'm in Pierce The Veil." he nods, shuffling his feet on the concrete.

"Yeah, I've heard of you guys. I like the sound, by the way."

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