Chapter 9

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Hey guys, I'm back :) This is my last free weekend because I start school on Monday. I'm not ready to be a junior. I just want to sit around and be lazy. Oh well. Have fun reading :)

~Victoria .-.


Vic's POV *time skip 2 weeks*

"Sweetie, wake up. Come on, you gotta get up." someone whispers, poking me in the side. Groaning, I roll over and swat at the person with my eyes closed. A second later, the mystery person mutters an 'ow'. Slowly opening my eyes, I see Kells looking at me, a tired smile on his beautiful face.

"Did I poke your eye?" I ask, my voice thick with sleep. He nods and leans down, pecking me on the lips.

"You have to wake up babe. It's nearly noon." he whispers, his lips brushing against mine.

"I know. I'm just a little tired from last nights....activities." I whisper, smiling at the memory of last night. His eyes glassed over with lust, his breathing heavy, sweat dripping down his beautiful body. Even the way we fell asleep after, our legs tangled together. And I don't regret it at all. Not one moment of it.

"What are you thinking of?" he asks, resting his head on my chest.

"Last night and how absolutely fucking hot you looked." I answer truthfully, smiling at him. This sends a vivid blush on his face as he tries to hide his face with his hair. I chuckle softly before letting out a loud yawn, stretching out my tired muscles.

"You should go take a shower. I already took one." he says, playing with my fingers.

"Can we lay down for just a couple more minutes?" He nods, his head still on my chest. For a few minutes, we just lay there in a comfortable silence, the only sounds being our breathing and movement outside of the bunk.

Eventually he gets up, me grabbing his hand so he can help me up. I head off to the shower, quickly showering and drying off after. Pulling clothes on, I walk out to see the bunk area empty. Walking off to the living area, I see all the guys sitting on the couches, playing video games. Also known as 'Mike and Kellin playing video games and Mike kicking his ass at every known game possible'. It is impossible to beat Mike at any video game.

I go over to sit next to Kellin, watching as he tries and fails for the umpteenth billion time to beat Mike. After fifteen more minutes and ten tries later Kellin gives up, throwing the controller to Jaime, the one person who can come close to beating Mike. I chuckle as Kellin leans backward, sighing dramatically.

"Can we go get some food, Vic? I'm hungry." he pouts, looking at me with his big eyes.

"Sure. Where do you wanna go?" I ask, standing up and pulling him up with me.

"Hmm. Pizza Hut!" he responds, jumping up and down. Goddamit, he is so cute it should be illegal.

"Sure. Let's go." I grab his hand and pull him off the bus. Once we get off the bus, we disconnect our hands. It makes me sad when we have to do this but our fans still don't know about us yet. Then again, we've only been together for about four weeks. But honestly, I'm nervous about the day that we do come out. Hopefully that won't be for awhile.


After our early Pizza Hut lunch date, we went to hang out at the park and just act like ourselves. We take turns pushing each other on the swingset, we run around on the jungle gym, just acting like two little kids. This is the relationship we had. Play like best friends, love like lovers, perform like singers (if that made sense).

Hopefully our relationship would always be like this. But in seemingly perfect relationships, things always go wrong.


I'm so sorry that this took so long but I have the attention span of a squirrel so I got distracted ten times.

Also, sorry it was so short. This is more of a filler than anything. Next chapter or the chapter after that, there will be some major drama. So, yeah. I've had this story planned out for awhile so this isn't something I've been changing up. Wish me luck for I start school tomorrow. I'll officially be a junior in high school. Bye guys.

Song for this chapter: Shut up and smile by Bowling for Soup

~Victoria .-.

Caraphernelia ((Kellic))Where stories live. Discover now