Chapter 6

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Kellin's POV

"Oh Vic, if only you knew how much I love you." I whisper as I scroll through pictures of him on my phone. Damn, I feel like a stalker.

After the lunch date (No, not a date, Kellin. Just lunch.) and after Vic dropped me off at my bus, I went straight to my bunk and chose to look at photos of Vic. His beautiful brown hair, his gorgeous chocolate-brown eyes, his perfect tan, his smile, his laugh, and those arms. Don't even get me started on those arms. Oh hello friend that lives downstairs, nice to see you again.


After fixing my little 'problem' for a second time that day, I head to the 'living area' to see Jesse, Jack, Justin, and Gabe sitting, smirking at me.

"That's the second time today Kellbell. What girl has got your downstairs a little too overexcited?" Justin laughs as the rest of the group joins in.

"No one." I argue, trying to lie.

"Then what are you doing? Watching porn?" Gabe asks. Do Vic's arms count as porn?

"Yes, that is exactly what I was doing." I kinda lie and kinda tell the truth.

"Eeewwwww. We did not want to know that." Justin replies, making a disgusted face.

"Well, then you shouldn't have asked, shouldn't you have?" I reply, smirking at them.

"True." they all whine.

"So guys," Jesse starts, "Today is the first day of the Collide With The Sky tour. Who's excited as fuck to get this show on the road?"

"All I know is that Kellbell here is just excited to get to see Vic prancing around the stage all sweaty." Justin teases.

"Am not." I argue. Are too and we both know it Kellin. You can't hide it.

"Are too." Jack shoots back. "We all know that you have a thing for Vic."

"I do not. I like girls. Vic likes girls. We are both straight. We are two guys that are just friends. Now get that through your thick skulls." I argue before turning and walking off the bus. For four years, they've been telling me how much they think I like Vic and I've been spending four years lying to them about not liking Vic.

I start walking around until I hear a voice from behind me.

"Hey man, wait up!" Jaime calls from behind me. I stop and turn around to see him running to catch up to me.

"What do you want man?" I say, a little too harshly.

"Woah sorry dude. I just need some advice." he says, scratching his head nervously.

"Sorry. What is it dude?" I change my mood too make it sound nicer.

"Well, there's this guy that I kinda like and I wanna ask him out but I don't know if I should or not. What do you think I should do?" he nervously asks. That's right, Jaime is gay. Everyone knows it (except for the fans) and we all support him. We've always known, though. He's never been scared about these kind of things unlike yours truly.

"Well, I say you go for it. Tell him how you feel." I offer.

"But what if he rejects me? I mean, I really really like him." he mutters, looking down at his shoes.

"You'll never know unless you try. Just try it. You might be surprised." I explain.

"Thanks dude. You know I can always count on your advice. Bye." he quickly speaks before walking away to god knows where, leaving me to wonder whether or not I should tell Vic about my crush on him. Ugh, this is so difficult.

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