Chapter 14

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This chapter will hurt your feelings even worse than the last chapter. This chapter literally has nothing even remotely happy. I'm 100% sure I'm going to cry while writing this chapter. This chapter will be the worst chapter that I will ever write in my lifetime of fanfiction. I am very, very sorry in advance. This was my plan all along.

Warning: Major catastrophic disaster of your feelings and heart. Will probably cause gross sobbing. Read at your own risk. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!

~Victoria .-.


Vic's POV


I have been pacing back and forth for hours, trying to come up with the least heartbreaking way to tell Kellin the truth. To be honest, there was no way to put this kindly. I was stupid and I cheated on him and on top of that, I've waited two fucking months to say anything. I wouldn't be surprised in the least if he didn't want anything to do with me ever again. Even I can't stand me for what I've done.

I hear a door open and I turn around to see Tony and Jaime, looking at me with guilt, sadness, and a hint of pissed-off. I drop my head and sit down, knowing that they are watching me. Looking back up, I see them still staring at me, but with what now seems like pity.

"Vic, he already knows."

Those words were enough to make me angry and upset and scared all at the same time. I figured Mike wouldn't believe me. He knows me more than anyone. He knows that I won't tell someone something if I'm scared about it and I'm downright terrified over telling Kellin. But now, it's too late.

"Mike?" I ask, already knowing the answer to that question.

Tony nods. "While Kellin was in the shower, he told the rest of Sleeping With Sirens what had happened. Said that he was gonna tell Kellin everything. As soon as Kellin came out of the bathroom, Mike told everyone to leave so he could talk to Kellin...alone."

"Goddamnit! I told Mike I was gonna tell him myself." I mutter.

"When!" Jaime yells at me. The action was enough to make Tony and I flinch away. Jaime was never one to be upset or angry at anyone so this was something new.

"Vic, we fucking know you. We know that you never would've told him. You would've waited until everyone of us forgot what happened. You only think about yourself. You don't know how the rest of us feel about this. Mike lost a girl he loved because of this whole cheating thing and you haven't even asked him how he's been feeling. Your own brother! And what about me? This whole thing was between us and you haven't asked how I've been feeling. Or how Tony has been feeling. You've only been thinking about how this would affect your life. No one else's, just yours!" Jaime yells at me, going on and on and on.

Saying that what he said to me didn't hurt would be a lie. His words hurt but they were also true. I've been thinking about myself. How this would affect me. I haven't even asked about everyone else's feelings. Makes me realize just how selfish I really am.

All of our gazes fall to the door when a knock comes from the other side. Tony and Jaime give me a look before going over and opening the door.

"Where is he?" I hear a broken voice say. My heart breaks even more knowing that I caused that misery.

"He's sitting on the couch. Jaime and I will leave to give you guys some space." Tony says. The guys give me one last look before walking off the bus, revealing Kellin.

He climbs on the bus before closing the door behind him. He turns to see me and my heart breaks even more at the sight of him. His face is tear-stained and his once happy blue-green eyes now look dim and sad. We stare at each other for awhile, the air tense and thick around us. I stand up and take a step towards him but he takes a step back, his eyes looking scared and sad. Looking down, I run a hand through my hair.

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