Chapter 34

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Hey. So if you paid any attention to my author's note, you will know that I am writing this on my tablet due to my family's computer being a fucknugget. I have no idea how long these technical difficulties will last but until then, this is the setup. I also have no idea how many words I'm typing so if this chapter is too short, that's why.

Thanks for your cooperation. Now, on with le story time.

~Victoria .-.


Kellin's POV (time jump to late February)

"So, what's on the agenda for today?" Justin asks, or more like yells, from somewhere in the bus.

"I heard that we're going bowling with the guys in Pierce for Tony's birthday tomorrow." Jack responds from the kitchen.

"Thank you!" He answers back gleefully.

I shake my head at their nonsense as I lounge on one of the couches, patiently waiting to get off of this bus so that I might possibly get to hang out with Vic.

Ever since we started dating again, it's like everything has gone back to 2012 when we were closer than ever. Sure, I still have some slight trust issues against him and I may or may not be ten times more protective but that would be expected after all that has happened.

"Hey Kellybear. You thinking about your Viccy Poo again?" Justin asks as he comes bounding into the room.

I suddenly get really shy all of a sudden, falling face first onto the couch as I desperately try to hide my blushing face from everyone.

"Awe guys look. He's embrassed." Jack coos.

"Well at least we know who the girl in this relationship is." Nick states, laughing from the kitchen.

"You guys are embrassing me please stop." I incoherently mumble into the couch cushions.

I expect some sort of comeback but everyone is silent, the only sound I hear being someone's breathing. Slowly I lift my head up, coming face-to-face with another human. Not expecting it I screech, falling off of the couch and onto the person. I groan as I hit the ground, the other person groaning from underneath me.

I quickly sit up to take a look at who I fell on, laughing as I take notice of a sprawled-out Vic on the ground. Grinning mischievously I get up on my hands and knees, crawling over to Vic and sitting on his small torso. He groans once more before removing his arms from his face, smiling at me from his spot below me.

"I hope you know that this is the only way that you will ever be able to top me." He laughs, resulting in me glaring down at him.

"That was rude." I whisper, crossing my arms and pouting.

"Maybe it was but..." And with that he immediately gets the upper hand, flipping us over so that I'm right back underneath him as he pins my arms to the ground and above my head. My breath hitches as he bends down, his mouth right next to my ear.

"It's also true." He whispers, kissing the spot right below my ear. I mutter a "dammit" as I realize that he's right.

Damn him and his stupid correctness.

"Awe, is Kells pouting?" He jokingly says as he plays with my fingers.

"No." I whine as I cross my arms.

"I think you are. Do you want me to kiss you so I can make it better?"

I shake my head no as I stick my tongue out at him.

"Nope. No kisses for you."

I stick my tongue out again but he's quick, leaning down to kiss me as he catches my tongue with his. Unable to say no to him I kiss back, catching his bottom lip with my teeth and smirking when he groans as he pulls away.

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