Chapter 29

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Another update tonight #yolo!!! So there will be some time jumps because if there was no time jumps then this story would be unnecessarily long. But yeah hi.

~Victoria .-.


Vic's POV (beginning of Leg 2 of World Tour)

"Leg two of the tour FUCK YES!!!!" Jaime screams from somewhere in the house as he runs around to pack everything.

"I'm so excited hola 4/20 blaze it!!!" shouts Mike from another part of the house as he too packs everything.

"It's not even April 20th yet shut the fuck up Michael." Alysha belts out from hers and Mike's room, quickly letting out another groan of pain at her cramps. Being a girl sounds very painful from what I'm hearing.

As for me, I'm just resting in the kitchen and waiting for the two nut jobs as I eat my Lucky Charms while Tony quietly makes himself some scrambled eggs at the stove.

"Are they ever going to learn how to pack their stuff ahead of time?" he says quietly as he grabs a bowl from the cupboard.

"Probably not. You would think so considering how much we tour but they're never going to learn. How come you didn't just help Jaime?" I ask curiously.

"Because I think it's funny when he runs around all hectic-like while trying to pack." he laughs, "Hey, how about you do that thing again?"

"What thing?" I question.

"The one where you yell out that it's a lot later than it actually is." he smirks as he pours his finished eggs into a bowl before bringing his eggs and coffee to the table to sit across from me.

"That sounds like an excellent idea." We smile mischeviously before I clear my throat and take in a deep breath.

"MIKE!!! JAIME!!!! WE HAVE TO LEAVE IN TWO MINUTES!!!!" I scream. Suddenly we hear yelps and hurried scampering from upstairs, causing both of us to double over in laughter.

Hearing footsteps from the stairs we walk into the living room to see both Mike and Jaime dragging their suitcases downstairs and dropping them in the living room. Both of them look up with confused looks at our red and tear-stained faces.

"What's so funny?" Jaime asks us with a raised eyebrow. Mike sighs as he takes a look at the time on his phone.

"We've been duped yet again." Mike explains as he shows Jaime the time. Jaime looks and sighs in defeat as he walks into the kitchen to make some breakfast.

"This happens every time we tour and we fall for it every single time." he exclaims as we all enter the kitchen, me and Tony going back to our breakfast as Mike and Jaime make their breakfast.

"It wouldn't have to happen if you guys just packed earlier." I point out as Tony agrees with me.

"True but have you ever heard of procrastination?" Jaime asks as he sticks his head in the fridge to search for some food.

"Have you ever heard of getting off your butt and doing some work?" I fire back.

"Hey, let's not fight. Let's just take pleasure in the fact that no one is hungover this time." Mike cheers as he almost successfully flips a pancake but fails and drops the pancake when we hear cheers from the front door.

Going to inspect the commotion we watch as Sleeping With Sirens pours into the living room.

"Leg two of World Tour FUCK YES!!!" Justin hollers from the couch.

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