Chapter 36

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Updates yo. If you guys remember when Kellin said that he wanted to come out, you should know what this chapter will be about: Kellin coming out! It might be a little boring though. Enjoy :)

~Victoria .-.


Kellin's POV

"Are you sure you don't want to come with us? It will be fun." he asked again, trying to get me to tag along.

"For the last time, I'm not going. I hate nature and the outdoors. Plus, this is a way for you and your father to enjoy some bonding time alone. I'll be fine here with your mother." I explained for the fifth time.

We were on break for the next two weeks and had been at Vic's house with his parents for a day and a half. Him and his dad had plans to go fishing all day and Vic was trying -yet failing- at getting me to join them.

I wasn't going to go, though. I hate nature.

"Fine." he huffed, giving up. "But it won't be as fun without you there."

"I'm sure you'll have a great time even without me around." I told him, patting his shoulder in reassurance.

"I doubt it." he muttered, placing his head on my shoulder as I ate my breakfast.


Once Vic and his father had left, I went into the kitchen to talk to Vivian.

"Hey Viv?" I asked as I watched her rolling out what looked like bread dough.

"Yeah Kellin?"

"Do you know where I can find a video camera and a quiet place?" She thought about it for a few moments before clapping her floury-hands together.

"I know just what you need." And with that, she rinsed off her hands and lead me to a door next to the kitchen, me watching as she pulled it open to reveal a set of stairs that lead to the basement. Flicking on a light, she headed down the steps with me following close behind.

The sight at the bottom was quite magnificent.

The entire space was transformed into a home studio/game room. A small bathroom was directly at the bottom of the stairs. To the left? A pool table, a dart board and other random games. To the right? A recording booth and a control panel for making music. At the back? An entire section just for the guitars.

It was exactly what every musical family would ever need.

As I looked around the spacious room Viv looked around for what I needed, mumbling something along the lines of "these boys don't know how to put anything back where it belongs".

Finally she was able to find a video camera, changing the batteries before leading me into the recording booth. The room contained a small couch, a stool, a recording microphone, amps, and a set of drums.

"This should suffice. It's completely soundproof and no one outside of this room will be able to hear you. It's where Mike would bang away at his drums and where Vic would go to when he couldn't sleep, writing song after song into a beat-up notebook." she explains, setting up the camera on a tripod and turning it on.

"Will this be okay?" she asks once everything had been set-up.

"It's perfect."

"That's good. If you need anything, I'll be right upstairs. Be careful." I nodded and watched as she left the booth, closing the door before heading back upstairs.

I looked at the camera for a few moments, thinking of exactly how I was going to word this. I was making a video for the fans as a way to come out but I didn't know what to say. I knew that I would get hate for this secret but I was tired of hiding.

I needed to do this.

And with that, I stepped forward to press record. Sitting down on the couch, I began.

"This is a serious video to all of the fans about a secret that I've been hiding for so long. Many that are close to me already know this but I have decided that today is the day that I let it be known to everyone."

I took a deep breath, staring right at the camera as I let it out.

"My name is Kellin Quinn Bostwick and I am, in fact, gay. Yes, you heard that right. I am, indeed, not straight. Now, the next few things that I am about to tell you are very serious so just sit back and listen."

"I knew what my sexuality was before I had ever even dated. I had never been physically or emotionally attracted to females. Yes, I believe that many women are quite beautiful but I would never actually want to be in a relationship with one."

"I came out to my high school in my junior year. I thought that people would be pretty supportive of it considering there was little to no bullying problems in my school. Boy was I wrong. I was bullied and kicked around nearly everyday. I started getting depressed and my mom saw my change in mood. She became aware of my situation and, being extremely supportive, decided that it was best to switch schools."

"When I moved schools, I chose to keep my sexuality a secret in fear of a repeat from my old school. I even made myself pretend that I was straight. It worked and soon after, I started dating girls with the idea that my homosexuality was 'just a phase'."

"I continued this until I met someone. We became instant friends and I was getting feelings for them. Thinking that I was straight and with rumors of being gay surrounding me, I began dating an old friend of mine that I knew liked me. One thing became another and soon after, I proposed and married her and we had a child together: or so I thought."

"Back in 2012, I learned that she had cheated on me and that our child was not mine but another man's. We got a divorce and she left me. I've never seen her or her child since then. I was pretty upset but I quickly got over it after I gave in to my feelings towards my friend. We dated and everything was okay until they broke my heart."

"For a good two years, I hated them. I wanted nothing more to do with them. In my eyes, they were dead to me but deep down, I knew I still loved them. I just didn't want to believe it. When I saw them again, they were more broken than I was over hurting me. I was terrible to them yet they still loved me. They cared for me even though I hated them."

"We got back together and everything was almost okay. We still have problems that we need to fix but we don't care. We love each other and that's all that matters."

"The whole point of this video is just to tell you that I am gay, I am dating and I am confident with myself over telling this secret. It's something that I'm done hiding. Now you can either hate and judge me for this or you can support who I am but don't let this change your view of the band as a whole. Nothing about the band will change, I can assure you of that."

"Thank you for listening to what I had to say and if you choose to support me then thank you. I love all of you."

And with that, I ended the video after a final sigh. Grabbing the camera and my laptop, I hooked the camera up and uploaded the video to the laptop. I watched over the whole thing nearly fifteen times, editing little parts and making sure I didn't sound too rude or condescending. Once I was okay with what I had created, I uploaded the video to YouTube with the caption of "I Have Something To Say". With a final click, my secret was out for the world to see.

Going onto Instagram and Twitter I put the link to the video in my bios, posting a photo on each and telling people to click the link and watch the video.

Now I wait for the response.


And then there's that. Sorry if this was really boring or anything but I felt like I had to make a coming out chapter.

I might try to get in another chapter tonight but we'll see.

Song for this chapter: "Team" by Lorde

~Victoria .-.

Caraphernelia ((Kellic))Where stories live. Discover now