Chapter 18

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I am so so so sorry for not updating for the past couple of weeks. The 2 weeks after my last update was spent getting ready for finals and I was sick as fuck so I didn't have the time or mind to update. And all this time after break has started, I couldn't get on the computer because of my brother and I was really busy. Also, I'm sorry for not posting yesterday like I told some but my birthday was yesterday and we went shopping for 6 hours so I had no time.

But I'm back and I'll try to get 2 chapters in today. If not, I'll try to get another 1 or 2 in by tomorrow.

Thank you guys for putting up with my shit updating skills. I'll try and do better.

~Victoria .-.


Mike's POV

After I had finished trying to talk some sense into Kellin, I chose to just leave him be. Yes, I know that I'm sticking up for Vic and yes, I know that Vic was the one that had cheated on Kellin. But in times like this, you gotta stand up for your family. Even if your family did something like what Vic had done.

Plus, I don't like leaving Vic alone when he gets sad like this. I've seen first-hand what can happen when you leave him alone like this.

Walking past the other guys in the bus, I go over to Vic's bunk. Pulling the curtain back, all I see is an empty bunk. Knowing that Vic sometimes chooses to go into the back room of the bus when he's upset, I walk the rest of the way to the back and open the door.

I peek my head in and see a sleeping Vic, his arms wrapped around a stuffed bear that Kellin had given him during Warped 2012 before everything that had happened. Even after two years, he still loves Kellin so much and it honestly breaks my heart. I just want to see a real smile on my brother's face again.

Making sure to be extra quiet, I let myself into the small room, closing the door behind me. Sitting on the floor next to the couch that Vic is on, I get a good look at his face. The sight of his face practically breaks my heart even more.

Obvious tear tracks coat his cheeks, creating lines from his eyes to his chin. The bags under his eyes are an obvious sign that he hasn't been sleeping well, knowing that he'll sometimes wake up at odd hours because he can't sleep. His tan skin is pale, seeing as he almost never goes outside when he doesn't have to.

But the saddest feature is the sad smile on his face. When him and Kellin were together, he would have a bright smile etched onto his face, even in his sleep. But now, he can barely fake a smile anymore. It physically hurts me to see it.

Seeing as he hasn't had a good sleep in ages, I decide to let him sleep. It's the only nice thing I can do for him.

Moving from the floor to the end of the couch, I think of all possible options I could do to fix everything. Honestly, the only possible option I can think of is telling Kellin the truth about Danielle. It would lessen the obvious tension between everyone if they knew the truth. I'm the only person that Vic told about Danielle and that's a big reason why I'm standing up for him. He needs someone to care for him.

Finalizing my idea, I nod to myself and stand up. Deciding to just let Vic sleep for as long as possible, I leave the room and climb into my own bunk, the drama of everything exhausting me into sleep.


Vic's POV (4 hours later)

"Viccy poo. It's time to wake up." A familiar voice whispers, poking me softly.

I open my eyes to see Kellin in front of my face, smiling brightly at me. The sight makes me smile widely, teeth and all.

"I love you, Kells." I whisper, leaning forward to kiss him.

"Vic. Wakeup!"

My eyes pop open just in time to see Mike in front of me, looking at me in confusion and some regret as well. I jump back before anything else, upset and a little scared.

"What happened?" I whisper, my voice cracking from sleep and sadness from the dream.

"You said 'I love you, Kells' in your sleep and then you leaned forward to kiss me." he says, looking a bit confused.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I guess I was dreaming and yeah. I'm sorry." I mumble, wincing from a headache and the bright lights.

"It's fine. But seriously, it's time to get up. We've got a show today and we start meet and greets in an hour so get up and get your butt in the shower." I nod and watch as Mike gets up, leaving the room with the door open.

Sitting up, I sigh and look down at my connected hands. I hate sleeping a lot these days because every time I do, I end up dreaming of Kellin in some way and when I wake up, I just feel worse than I already do. But I also hate being awake because then I have to live with the guilt and seeing Kellin basically every day does not help.

Standing up, I head to my suitcase to pick out some clean clothes to wear. Not even caring about what I choose, I shuffle to the shower and strip off my clothes, stepping in the shower soon after.

As I'm rinsing the soap out of my hair, I zone out and just stand there, thinking of everything. Thinking about how much I hate myself for what I've done. Thinking is not a great idea at the moment.

After awhile, a knock at the door gets me out of my thoughts and reminds me of where I am.

"Who is it?" I call out.

"It's me. Mike told me to remind you that we've got half an hour until meet and greets start." Kellin says, a strain to his voice.

"Okay. I'll be out soon." He makes a sound of approval and I listen as his footsteps walk away from the door.

Quickly finishing my shower, I step out and dry off before pulling on my clothes. Taking one more look into the mirror to make sure I don't look too worn down, I step out of the bus bathroom and head to my bunk to grab everything I need.

Walking into the living area, I take a seat next to Mike who looks at me as if to ask if I'm okay. I nod once, a small lie, and turn to Jaime who quickly turns his head away to talk to Tony. It seems like no one wants to talk to me. To be honest, I wouldn't want to talk to me either.

The door slowly opens and everyone, except for me, turn their heads to see who it is. The person closes the door and sits down on the couch across from me, letting out a big sigh. I continue looking down at my hands, refusing to look at the person. I know exactly who it is. A silent tension falls over the room as everyone assesses the situation. I just keep silent with my head down.

Someone eventually clears their throat and the video games resume as the guys speak in whispers. I continue to look down, the feeling of someone's eyes on me. I eventually give in and look up, my gaze meeting the thoughtful eyes of Kellin.

When my eyes catch his, he quickly looks down at his phone and pretends to be busy. Why would he be looking at me? I look and feel like death.

Soon enough someone announces that it's time for us to go and we all get up, going out to do meet and greets.

Alright, time to fake a smile for the fans. This is going to be a long meet and greet.


Well, that wasn't so bad. It took me a bit cause I kept getting distracted and I was getting writer's block throughout. Not too bad though.

I'll try and get another chapter in tonight but if not, I'll update one or two chapters tomorrow. Again, sorry for my bad updating skills and thank you for dealing with them. ily guys.

Song for this chapter: "A Trophy Father's Trophy Son" by Sleeping With Sirens

~Victoria .-.

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