Panic attack

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Lots of angst mostly techno

Techno and Tommy were both adopted by Phil Wilbur is his only biological son


3rd person POV


Lots of it.....

Wilbur and Phil were downstairs in the living room arguing. They were very loud so the two children upstairs could not sleep. Tommy was in his room trying his hardest to fall asleep but of course he just couldn't. He also knew that there was no way he would be able to stop them from arguing so he didn't even bother trying. His last option was to go see techno maybe he could help him to fall asleep as he has proved many times before he is good at doing so.

He quietly crept out of his room and down the hallway to his older brothers room. He knocked on the door a few times but no response so he just let himself in why not? He didn't think anything was wrong.... until he went in..... the sight he saw was awful. In the corner of his room a pink haired boy was sitting with his legs curled against his chest obviously having a panic attack. Tommy fist instinct was to help him and so he did just that. He ran up to him but there was a slight problem in his plan techno was so scared that he started to panic even more when Tommy came close to him. So Tommy listened to his second best option. Go downstairs tell dad and will and hope that they can help. Alright this plan has to work right? So Tommy quickly ran downstairs and saw the two older men yelling at full volume not realizing what's going on.

Phil's POV

Me and will had gotten into a big fight about things I'd rather not talk about.

Me and will were fighting when allow a sudden poof there's Tommy violently shaking my shoulder. "Go to sleep Tommy I don't want you listening to this" I told him  "yea Tommy go away" Wilbur said after me "I can't! You guys are too loud! But this isn't about me" Tommy yelled. Wait were we being that loud? Oh god I didn't mean too I thought techno and Tommy had already fallen asleep I didn't mean to keep them up this late. "What do you mean this isn't about you?" Wilbur said. Wait what did Tommy mean about that? "Yea Tommy what's up?" " well I was trying to sleep but I couldn't so I went over to technos room and saw him having a panic attack in the corner of his room so I came to get you" Tommy said me and Wilbur were surprised by this "why did you come get us why didn't you just calm him down yourself?" "I tried but he wouldn't let me get close enough to him" "alright alright calm down cmon let's go see if technos alright."

Technos POV


I cant do this..... I just can't please stop just stop I can't take it anymore it hurts please stop.....


Dad no please don't! I don't want to get hurt! Please stop! I- I- wait NO!

Please stop I can't it hurts so much i don't want to be here I just can't

So much blood.... so much of my own blood ...... it hurts... so much....

End of flashback (still technos POV)

I was sitting in the corner of my room trying my hardest to block out all the yelling coming from downstairs but I just couldn't. I came from a very abusive home and all the yelling just reminded me of it. My mom and dad would be arguing downstairs while I sit in my room just waiting because once they were done my dad would come upstairs and beat me until I couldn't breath and could barely even get up. I was just waiting until one of them came and beat me and I knew I couldn't stop it even if I tried I'm no where near strong enough to.

Shit the yelling stoped..... no... no.. no NOnononononononononono this stoped years ago it can't go back now it can't! I won't let it happen!


My door opens to reveal two people who through my tears I can't tell who they are. They're getting closer I can't there going to o hurt me no I can't


Phil's POV

We quickly go up to technos room and open the door. Sure enough there he is sitting in the corner of his room having a panic attack. Me Wilbur go in and tell Tommy to stay out side so he does.

Me and will start to get closer so we can hopefully calm him down he's crying a lot and he's covering his ears so they must be ringing like they normally do when these things happen. "DONT COMR ANY CLOSER" he yells at us making us step back because we're startled we both didn't think he would say anything much less yell.

(The next parts just gonna be talking so P means phill W means will Te means techno and To means Tommy)

P- techno it's alright


W- why?

Te- because it I don't wanna be hurt... (that was a mumble)

P- what was that techno?

Te- it hurts... so much I can't please just leave

W- what hurt tech?

Te- everything... everything hurts and you're going to make it worse

P- techno we just want to help you please let us help

Phil and Wilbur start to get closer


P & W- what?.....

Te-LAST TIME THIS HAPPENED I GOT HURT it hurt so much and I don't want to go through that again so please just leave... please....

P- techno we aren't going to hurt you we promise we would never hurt you so please just let me come close to you

Technos vision finally starts to come back

Te- Phil? Wilbur?

W- hey tech

3rd person POV

Phil immediately comes up and grabs techno and pulls him into and big hug techno still crying but not as bad as before. Wilbur and Tommy joins the hug too and they just sit there as a family all of them worried for each other but mostly for techno. After what he just said they were worried and wanted to know what he meant by that. But today is not the day to ask so we'll leave it alone until then.

1094 words

Holy shit that was a lot of angst probs will make a part two

I enjoyed making that so yea it wasn't a vent I just tend to enjoy making angst

Any feed back is welcome I would love to know what I need to improve on so thanks!

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