Life sucks but vodka makes it better

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Don't like leave


It had been a shitty day at work and Wilbur felt awful. He had to stay after his shift was done because "they were decorating" which just turned out to be him buying a fuck ton of things off of Amazon.

He came inside took his shoes and jacket off and splat on the couch. He rolled over and rubbed his head he had a massive head ache.

He got up went to his kitchen and started looking for some food but when he looked something else caught his eye. It was a bottle of vodka that he had bought a few weeks back only to forget about it. He grabbed the bottle and a cup and poured him self a drink. He also added a bit of soda instead of just plain vodka.

Time skip

He had about five or so shots of the drink he was already gone. He was wobbling around the house almost falling on multiple occasions but somehow managed to get upstairs with out getting seriously hurt.

Once in his room he went to his bathroom and just sat in there. He felt oddly safe in his bathroom as if it was a safe spot where no one could hurt him. Not like anyone was trying to.

He just sat there getting lost in his thoughts when he passed out.

Another time skip

He woke up in the morning with a splitting headache that even pain medicine couldn't help. He had to call in to work that day and let's just say they were not happy about it.

296 words

I finally posted something again woohoo! Also sorry I never post any long oneshots it's just that my attention span is wayyyyy to short for that.

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