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Techno: 15
Phil: 33
Ranboo: 12


Techno came home that day with a large and deep wound across his face and various other scratches bruises and scrapes all over his body. Where he got them from Phil has no clue. All he knows is that techno wants to keep it a secret.

"So tech" Phil said as he stood in the doorway of said boys bedroom. "Hey Phil" techno responded with "what's up?" He asked trying to act dumb. "You know what is up" Phil said glaring daggers at the scar on his face "I wanna know who gave you that scar and why" "it's nothing Phil you don't need to worry" "techno I do need to worry" Phil snapped "I wanna know what happened and if you started getting into fights again!" "He deserved it though" the pink haired boy mumbled just barely loud enough for phill to hear.  "You did didn't you?" "Not on purpose"

Phil sat there confused. "What do you mean not by accident how to you get into a fight with someone accidentally?!?" "He threatened me so I tried to ignore him but he was a bitch and started attacking me" techno said nonchalantly "techno!" Phil yelled making techno glance at his worried face with no emotion. "Why didn't you tell me earlier!?! We should tell the school!" "It's fine I think he won't mess with me again" Phil sighed worried about what he had done to the other boy "and what did you do?" "Beat him to a bloody pulp" "techno I said not to fight people" "it's was self defense!"

He got a point there "what did he threaten you about anyway?" "He said that beat up a friend of mine who isn't very strong" that's why he was so angry when he came home. "Who is this friend of yours?" Phil questioned "I've heard you talk about him before I think but you've never told me their name or anything" "oh his names Ranboo" Ranboo huh sounds like a hybrids name "he's a enderman hybrid if you were wondering" "i thought he was a hybrid" "I'm gonna guess it's because of the name?" "Yes" Phil took a deep breath and looked at techno "why don't you bring him over some time?" Techno looked away from him and quietly said "strict parents" that's odd he why'd he get so down over that?... oh

"Not good parents?" "No. But I will try to bring him over" "that's good" and with that Phil left the room to go check on his sons.

Phil didn't know this but a lot of what he just said is a lie. He lied about the boy he fought with. He lied about someone threatening to hurt Ranboo.  The main thing he didn't lie about was beating someone to a bloody pulp. But eh thing is... that person he beat up was Ranboos dad... not some boy...

He had come to Ranboos house with him to make sure he'd be ok. Thank god he did. Because when he got there his father immediately tried hurting Ranboo. He had to knock the man out thank god he was strong.

He took Ranboo to his moms house so he'd be safe. His mother's not very good either but at least she doesn't hit him.

He's going to ask the half and half boy if he wants to live with him. Because he's certain Phil will let him stay if they explain his situation.

Words: 619

That's longer than I normally make them and I actually posted again. Holy shit I've become a motivated human being.

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